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Posts posted by Dusang

  1. I should have checked your 99 defence.I only have 71, hence why i swap out the torso for a verac top too - so the strawbs do help to add another 1-3 trips per run.Although, i haven't actually done a barrows run since i got 95 prayer .. so that may add another trip per inventory.--If i do collate any data, how would you like it collated?

    Here's a few days ago's entry:October 9th, 201114 hours 56 minutes81 chests2 Karil's Coif2 Karil's xbows1 Ahrim's top1 Dh Platelegs1 Torag's helm1 Dh greataxe1 Arhim's staff1 Dh Helm2 Verac's Brassys1908 bolt racks12903 Chaos Runes3516 BloodsAnd I'd like screenshots of each days earnings. I try to keep it a little informal heh. I'll be compiling/formalizing it as soon as all of the data is gathered. The most important information I'm trying to gather is average amount of trips that amount to a drop, and how often each drop occurs. I'm assuming it should come out pretty even if we have a large enough sample. (ie 200-300 hours worth of trips) Enough to get every item more than one time. I'll also be recording and compiling personal data as to the efficiency of each method eventually. [ie trip lengths with maxed stats (I'll have to max first, heh) with various types of equipments] And I hope to come to a pretty concrete conclusion concerning meta-game barrowing. Creating a standard, if you will. :P
    • Upvote 1
  2. 81 chests later .. o.o--Your making me want to barrows again .. i do have to admit it was a rather fun time in my life.Quick tip, i use half monkfish, and half basket of strawberries (5) - they heal overall more than monkfish, but require more eating time. (Use in the tunnels against the little monster peoples.)Dunno if that tip is well known .. i imagine it is.

    You should. If you kept accurate data I'd be more than happy to have some help. :PI only ever use about 1 monkfish in the tunnel. I dunno if that justifies the extra effort into getting baskets. (Thank you, 99 defense.)
    • Upvote 1
  3. Not a bad setup at all.I switch out your cape for zammy god .. cos im not as cool.Switch the SOL for a black sally, reverance aura, fury neck and verac top.I would imagine your setup is better, but you have better stats and more cash. :-P--Barrows used to be a 1m/hr thing - just on the runes. Dunno what its like now, been a while since i've been.

    Not sure I'd call it better. Sure they're about equally as efficient. :o
  4. @ferg; yeah, this seems to be the best sollution since this clan has the same requirements as lol; none =]@dusang: what does a bioformatician do :o like a computer biology dude?@voidz: yeah ive got you on steam for sure, sadly i dont really use steam for any game since i only play rs atm, well im going to start playing again soon anyways xd

    I organize and analyze biological data. It's the field that universalizes information-storing methods and nomenclature. A big part of what might be most relevant to most people is the compilation of genomes. Like right now, a huge part of all biological resources is being contributed to compiling the human genome.That was probably more than you wanted to hear. :)
  5. I don't know how it is where you live, and I don't think a rec center is a great example. I assume a place you pay for/or can get thrown out of etc. I live in Brooklyn NY and if we're playing on courts (this goes for handball, basketball, baseball etc.), another group of people are not just going to show up and start playing on your court without asking to play, asking for next etc. You say horrible example, and maybe for your rec center it is, but where I'm from, it doesn't happen often, because when it does, a fight does take place, or one of the groups is just walking off because they don't want to fight.If there's enough room so that people can share without hampering someone else's or their experience's I'm all for it. And who are you to say I'm not sharing or compromising? By all means if someone shows up, I ask not to crash, and they offer to share (such as coal mines, I had someone crash me, and he offered to share. He got top half, I got bottom half). Same thing happened at Kuradel's Iron Drag's. 4 Dragons, I was there with 1 person already, 2 joined later. We agreed 1 dragon a piece, no stealing others). The thing is I know not everyone hops. People will just crash in an effort to make the other person leave, or force themselves in. I'm annoyed solely at those people. The ones, where the resources/monsters are tight, yet they don't care, they won't hop, they will ruin your experience, to benefit theirs.

    Yeah, you have to pay to get in. It's really courtesy to offer those of larger number your court. Or atleast allow them to participate. I've never met a person who crashes just to be a douche. They've always wanted to utilize the resource.
  6. On double exp weekend I hopped nearly 20 times, before I found an empty world for red salamandar's. Yes it's frustrating to keep trying over and over, but it's so you're not a raging asshole. It's not that these resources/monsters are "mine", it's just some mutual respect this game "should" have. Granted Jagex can do a LOT to fix this, but they won't. There's also foreign world's too. I'd love to see people crash on people in real life. Let's say I'm playing basketball with friends on a court, and all of a sudden other people just start playing. Believe me, there will be a fight if they don't move. It's not macho bravado, it's respect. The only reason people don't do it on RS, is because a)They might even enjoy ruining someone else's experience b)There's nothing the other person can do. c)tired of hopping. d)Just don't care...and I guarantee it's usually A or B.

    There's never a fight. That's a horrible example. I play at the rec center all the time and the group of people who has the most people always get the court if they need it. Most of the time, they invite you to participate but it's just the way it works. You can't monopolize a resource and expect it to be yours. I suppose you'd be against "taking turns" too? Whose to say you can just chill at a highly trafficked place and disallow anyone else from enjoying that part of the game? It's not a matter of respect; it's a matter of efficacy. You're only faulting those who "crash," not those that refuse to share or compromise. If I'm more than capable of "crashing" and the other person is a douche who won't compromise, I will crash him.
  7. I trust people with my stuff knowing what could happen. The fact that I trusted you with the stuff probably means I don't care about the thing I'm trusting you with. Sure, I'd be pissed, but I'd be more pissed knowing you thought a virtual item or currency was more important than even a moment of my happiness. If you don't have the respect or dignity to not steal my shit? Steal it. It's better I learn you're a douche before I actually become attached.

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  8. Yeah so me, Kaiden and CC decided it'd be cool to tackle as many bosses as we could in a single day so we tried. It ended up falling apart because some people didn't log back on and some people had to leave. Anyways...I took some screenies.

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    We ended up going to:


    Dag Kings



    I think that's all though.

  9. Summoning plot hasn't even proved to be an efficient way to train; I just don't see the point in devoting time to something NO ONE even utilizes, save actually using it to gather resources to...maintain it. If I saw that my clanmates actually used it, and it was utilized by the events team, I would put work into it. Otherwise, no chance.

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