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About Thulsa

  • Birthday 04/10/1981

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  1. One hot link comming up This a very interesting interview Paul Sage gave to a german meeting of roleplayers, check the minute 13 forward.
  2. Regarding one of your answers, Paul Sage recently stated that there will be cross-faction guilds
  3. Thulsa


  4. Aye, Matt Firor. That's why you are gonna see a lot of features and mechanics that were part of Daoc returning in ESO. 3 factions, the way the PvP is structured, etc.
  5. Well, you can't travel to any point, jut to wayshrines, which is a bit like teleporting thru the mages guilds in Morrowind. There will indeed be teleporting to keeps in Cyrodill, they have said it in many interviews, and it's exactly like Drexil said, you can't teleport to a keep that's under attcak, same as in Daoc
  6. From what they said in the recent inteviaws, there will be fast travel outside Cyrodill thru wayshrines. In Cyrodil, it seems you can only fast travel to the keeps owned by your alliance. As soon as you loose a keep you can't fast travel to it. And what I would like to see in ESO, amongst other things, would be mounted combat. Mounts with skill tree, gear, etc.
  7. I'd call this a black comedy. I like Tarantino, he has some cool movies, but in many of them, and this one in particular, I feel that the plot itself is not what make his movies interesting, it's more the dialogues, small scenes, etc. Tho this film is nowhere in the same level of pulp fiction or reservoir dogs.
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