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Posts posted by Jake

  1. I was writing out some stuff for college when I had to bring up past services, which reminded me of my writing job on this site.


    Damn, isn't this a piece of nostalgia. I kept meaning to come back to this guild and post regularly, but I never got around to it.


    Just...wow. So much emotion from all the memories is pouring through me right now. I'd just like to thank everyone here for contributing to this amazing community back when I was an active part of it.


    My freshman year of high school was unquestionably the worst year of my life, and I'm not exaggerating in the slightest when I say I might not have made it without the support of you guys.


    If any of you guys want to add me and catch up, my Steam ID is Sir SquishyMan. Hey, maybe if the major members all add each other, we can rekindle this flame and keep the guild yet alive, eh?


    As for cringing at older material, I can still remember my mindset of those days. I was an extreme libertarian and red pill advocate. Jesus Christ, what was I thinking? I'll probably look back on my current views with similar disgust, but who knows?


    Anyway, all the memories are coming back. I'm almost tearing up just writing this. This may sound cheesy as hell, but I just want to let you guys know, this guild meant a lot to me. So, thank you. Especially you, David. I'll never forget you guys.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Usually female characters have smaller hit boxes, if that has anything to do with it.

    Apologies for the long response; I haven't been on for a while.


    There is a quest in the game that allows you to become an Agent of Dibella. Apologies, I cannot remember the name of the top of my head. Completion of this quest gives you a passive 10% damage bonus against the opposite sex. Most NPCs are male, and for some reason, dragons and several other genderless enemies are also registered as male. This makes female characters ultimately better.

  3. Imo ppl that havn't played any beta or seen it in action cant jude it! They game isn't even done yet and i see more and more ppl jude it haha.Played both ESO betas and I can say it will be worth it!

    I'm not saying it will be a bad game by any means, but $15 dollars a months is INCREDIBLY steep, no matter how good the game is. This goes double for their target audience, PC gamers, who are used to picking up games for $5-$10 in Steam sales in most of their shopping.

  4. INTJ
    Introvert(89%) iNtuitive(50%) Thinking(62%) Judging(33%)
    • [*]You have 
    strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (89%) [*]You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%) [*]You have distinctive preference of Thinking over Feeling (62%) [*]You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (33%)


    Seems to fit me pretty well. I've never been much of a social person, and I believe logic trumps emotion every time.

  5. Theory 1


    Santa only delivers presents to poor children. Parents of children in Christmas movies all either coincidentally did not grow up poor, or write off their own experiences as childhood imagination. 

    That doesn't explain why they don't suspect anything when their kids receive presents from Santa, only why they didn't suspect anything from their memories as children.

  6. I have always wondered the same thing. How Christmas is usually set up, though, at least when I was growing up, was that the parents and other family members gave the majority of the gifts, while Santa usually only left a couple. Therefore, it wouldn't be too far out of the question for each parent to assume the other one was covering it.

  7. Arena, Daggerfall, and Skyrim.


    Arena sucked. It's outdated with terrible controls, and the tutorial dungeon is a nightmare. Even the Bethesda developers admit they have trouble beating it.


    Daggerfall was ok. The map system was pretty bad, which made it difficult to navigate dungeons, but the fast travel system was excellent. Probably the greatest fast travel system I've ever seen.


    Skyrim was excellent, outside of the level scaling. Of course, I hardly need to explain what I liked about the game, because that's the one game we've all likely played.

  8. I'm a bit late to the party, but here's my take:


    Don't choose Altmer. Enchanting is a must-learn skill for just about any practical build, and you can lower your magic cost to 0 for 2 skills using enchantments, or more if you're willing to do the Enchanting/Alchemy loop. Altmer run faster, but that's it.


    I'd instead choose Breton. 25% magic resistance and Dragonskin are incredibly nice bonuses for a mage. Dark Elf is a solid choice as well, though their Active Power is trash after early game.


    If you really want to be OP, become a vampire and take the Necromage perk. Since you are undead, it strengthens your potions, enchantments, and even some perks, if they are taken after you take the Necromage perk as a vampire.


    Here's a healer/destruction build I threw together. I haven't played Skyrim for a while, but I was obsessed with builds when I did, so it should be viable:




    If you don't want the bow, just take the perks out of archery and smithing.

  9. In the Humble Weekly Sale this week, this is what is offered:


    Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers

    Galaxy on Fire 2: Full HD

    Thunder Wolves

    Jagged Alliance: Classics


    If you pay more than $6, you also get:

    Jagged Alliance: Crossfire

    Expeditions: Conquistador



    I want the first three games, but I am on the fence about the last two. I don't really care about Jagged Alliance, but Expeditions: Conquistador looks fun. What do you guys think?



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