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Jake last won the day on April 17 2016

Jake had the most liked content!

About Jake

  • Birthday May 4

Contact Methods

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    Jake Smith

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Atlanta, GA
  • Interests
    The Elder Scrolls (of course)
    Shadow of the Colossus
    Dragon Age
    Dark Souls
  • PSN
    Sir Squishyman

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I was writing out some stuff for college when I had to bring up past services, which reminded me of my writing job on this site. Damn, isn't this a piece of nostalgia. I kept meaning to come back to this guild and post regularly, but I never got around to it. Just...wow. So much emotion from all the memories is pouring through me right now. I'd just like to thank everyone here for contributing to this amazing community back when I was an active part of it. My freshman year of high school was unquestionably the worst year of my life, and I'm not exaggerating in the slightest when I say I might not have made it without the support of you guys. If any of you guys want to add me and catch up, my Steam ID is Sir SquishyMan. Hey, maybe if the major members all add each other, we can rekindle this flame and keep the guild yet alive, eh? As for cringing at older material, I can still remember my mindset of those days. I was an extreme libertarian and red pill advocate. Jesus Christ, what was I thinking? I'll probably look back on my current views with similar disgust, but who knows? Anyway, all the memories are coming back. I'm almost tearing up just writing this. This may sound cheesy as hell, but I just want to let you guys know, this guild meant a lot to me. So, thank you. Especially you, David. I'll never forget you guys.
  2. Apologies for the long response; I haven't been on for a while. There is a quest in the game that allows you to become an Agent of Dibella. Apologies, I cannot remember the name of the top of my head. Completion of this quest gives you a passive 10% damage bonus against the opposite sex. Most NPCs are male, and for some reason, dragons and several other genderless enemies are also registered as male. This makes female characters ultimately better.
  3. Considering writing articles again. It would certainly look good on a college resume.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jake


      I was hoping to get a degree in Computer Science, and also take some creative writing classes. I was hoping to become a video game writer when I enter the workforce.

    3. David


      What schools are you applying to?

    4. Jake


      I was hoping to get into GA Tech, mainly. I don't know about the others. I'm only a sophomore, so I have quite a bit of time to decide.

  4. Unfortunately for PS+ users, they'll still have to pay for every other online game in their library, so they'll end up paying two subscriptions anyway. Personally, if possible, I think the best solution would have been to have no subscription fee on Ps4 and have Sony give the ESO developers/publishers a commission based on game activity.
  5. Jake


    You're welcome.
  6. I didn't know we had another Jake in the group.
  7. I'm not saying it will be a bad game by any means, but $15 dollars a months is INCREDIBLY steep, no matter how good the game is. This goes double for their target audience, PC gamers, who are used to picking up games for $5-$10 in Steam sales in most of their shopping.
  8. I think a 1-time payment would have been a better option, similar to Guild Wars, along with chunks of paid DLC every couple of months. Then again, I don't know what this game will cost to upkeep, so maybe the high price is necessary. We'll see, but unless their payment model changes, I'm going to sit out this one.
  9. INTJIntrovert(89%) iNtuitive(50%) Thinking(62%) Judging(33%) [*]You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (89%) [*]You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%) [*]You have distinctive preference of Thinking over Feeling (62%) [*]You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (33%) Seems to fit me pretty well. I've never been much of a social person, and I believe logic trumps emotion every time.
  10. That doesn't explain why they don't suspect anything when their kids receive presents from Santa, only why they didn't suspect anything from their memories as children.
  11. I have always wondered the same thing. How Christmas is usually set up, though, at least when I was growing up, was that the parents and other family members gave the majority of the gifts, while Santa usually only left a couple. Therefore, it wouldn't be too far out of the question for each parent to assume the other one was covering it.
  12. I only have about 3 friends anyway.
  13. Just train from a master trainer and pickpocket your gold back. Post 1.9, that's probably the best way.
  14. Why are so many people liking my post?
  15. Hours before New Years, I found out 2 of my 3 friends couldn't make it, and I didn't know how to contact the 3rd. Later on, my 2nd friend made it after all, and we played video games.
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