Hellllo And Thank you for your time; I have searched through sooo many forums and am soo distraught.... So I started the Moth priest quest, and upon beginning Serana asked to come with me. Well she tagged along, we went through a few detours,killed a dragon then got jumped by Dawn guard in Whiterun I believe. I cant recall if I died first or what, but From that point I have not been able to find her. I have waited three days in hopes that she would leave my service and return home, but I have had no such luck. Unfortunately I don't have a save before the point we parted... I am not sure if that is why I am having problems, but now I have returned back to Castle V. with the Moth Priest, he begins reading, talks about the visions going black, and now the objective still says talk to him, it states he is busy.. I cant move on there, and I cant find Serana To see if she opens up the next quest. Please Please Pretty Please help me. BTW I don't know if this would effect anything, but I'm also currently building my house in Hearthfire :/ Thank You Again For Reading Have A Wonderful Day! - Jaden