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Status Updates posted by DovahkiinDemon

  1. Got invited again to ESO Beta. First time (back in September) I didn't know I got the email and missed it. This time the game didn't install in time to play it. GRAHHHHHH!

  2. I have returned from my long exile. I have slain dragons, shut down criminal drug cartels, overthrown evil sorcerer-kings, while in an uncharted island in the Pacific.

  3. Story of my Elder Souls Career: Came for the videos. Stayed for the lulz.

    1. Jake


      Story of mine: Came for TRR, left because I realized Runescape sucks, came back to see how TRR was doing, and stumbled across David's new project at the time: Elder Souls.

    2. Fergal


      ^ Except I was here when he made Elder Souls. #usernumber2

  4. Story of my Elder Souls Career:

  5. What's on my mind? The fact that I have to get two sets of wisom teeth pulled @_@

    1. David


      Meh, I had that done and it was actually fun. No pain or anything and the surgery was cool and done in <10 mins. The only thing that sucks is not eating anything but pudding for the next week.

    2. Fergal


      Try getting one pulled (permanent I might add) that was the wrong tooth that was infected. Lol.

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