Oh no... This was so disappointing.No, not because of the graphics, they were fine assuming that the video quality was bad etc. I have no doubts about the graphics, although I do dislike the cartoony character models.But for one...Why is all the text bright yellow and white and bold (=ugly)? That's not immersive at all... I'm glad you're able to turn off the NPC names, which I definitely don't want floating over their heads in bright green and red, it seriously made me cry. But please try to make it at least look like Skyrim...Also some gameplay mechanics are pretty bad still, I really had higher expectations for the combat but I'm hoping they'll improve it before the final release.Also, the questing wasn't immersive at all either. We didn't need handholding in Skyrim (although there was plenty) and we wont need in an mmorpg. And why were the critters glowing? We don't need them to glow, or even be that visible. We'll kill them if we notice them, we don't NEED to notice them. The yellow glow looks so bad.Also it saddens me that you can't attack NPCs... :(And I want to see 3d versions of items that I'm buying etc.And I want to be able to lift objects.And I don't need to see the experience from discovering places in the middle of my screen...Lots of negativity so here's something I did like...The character customization so far. Of course I'd like more options but at least it's more variety than something like WoW. And I loved the naming rules and ability to give two names!