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Everything posted by ghost5689

  1. shoddycast. I guessed as much,but i will be able to download it on both my computers right.
  2. Kind of of Topic:dont know where to ask because its literal mechanics. They said you can have a max of 5 accounts,but can you download it on more than one PC For example-i have a brother who wants eso to would it be possible for both of us to play if we buy one disc.
  3. You could also make a very tanky build with the sorcerer class with heavy armor(plus all those def boosting actives) then throw in that one that converts stamina to magica,maybe spam bolt escape and add in some summoning. AND BOOM! A competing tank.
  4. thanks man,but in your and muscle magic opinions which do you think would be more powerful if i was a dunmer? also waht ult is barrier lol.
  5. could you send me a link to the templar builds.
  6. A templar build starting with piercing javelin then add sun fire, ult nova and solar flare would match your dk build. plus if you still wanted to be a dark elf and take advantage of his racials you could use a fire enchanted bow. maybe throw in a healing ability as well like healing ritual.
  7. This is kind of off topic,but i was really thinking about a build alot similar to the one in the quakecon footage(to be a templar but not to heal very much), but all u guys are picking dragon knight as your builds is their that much of a damaging difference?
  8. we should make an ebon heart pact guild francis.
  9. what does this exactly do or mean -Ancestral Guardian 15 seconds, activated can taunt
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Cx4zpsaEZs&feature=c4-overview&list=UUWrq4H5CNfF9wAkvvhxKD5Q some confirmed weapons and woodelf racials
  11. yes, i will get annoying paying 15 dollars a month for updates which i honestly dont think they will be able to keep up with, so after the first year they'll probly drop the subscription model and end up with f2p because know one will keep paying after they are way past cap.
  12. if they do this then they should lower down the overall price
  13. their is a special place in heaven for people like you.
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