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Posts posted by VAMPRISS

  1. So maybe i'm more impressed than u "hard Core" gamers. I'm going w/ a solid 9...... I love 2 go on a Quest  & get side tracked by someting on the way. I LOVE the fact that i am not LOCKED in 2 what i started out 2 do. That feels  more  life like 2 me. I like the way the people around u r going on w/ thier lives  & u can listen in. A guard passes by in conversation & yr map is updated . WHAT u CHOOSE 2 do w/ that info. is up 2 u . You'r not BOXED  in .  The combat is not THAT Hard  core, But i believe because of that more age groups r able 2 play. The graphics r great, the story lines 2, if u take the time 2 get 2 know the people & places. Over all (besides some of the PAINFUL gliches) I Absoultly Luv the game. Plus when u start 2 get bord, just Add on 1 of the 3 add on's.

  2. Ty David

    does anyone know the answer 2 this ? :  COMPANIONS Quest , @ Forging the Lycanthrope.....Skjor & Aela want me 2 become a werewolf. I dont want 2 on my new character but now all quests have stoped from the others (i guess until i do this ) my goal was 2 Complete "Glory of the Dead"  So the companions would be able 2 b available 4 Marriage ! & i wanted 2 c what is was like 2 b a Vampire. How do i remendy this ??

  3. TY David  AND Jake (lol)  So i could use this 2 my advantage in respect 2 grab more loot.... Load up to 2000 - run out side - drop it - go back in 4 objective ( & more loot )  than pick up spoils on a fast travel Back 4 the rest? hmmm . Wait i can't Fast travel in Wollf form ....right ??

  4. Ahhh , i don't  think i've been 2 any of those places ! r they in Skyrim ~ Elder scrolls ~ ? I do think we can jump down from high points much better than than those beefy redguards :tongue:  i will now b on the hunt 4 new terrain 2 scale & explore more of my birth gifts. MY Khajit  ~ STARR ~ thanks u

  5. Is it just me or does the Khajit not climb very well ? some times i can barely get up a Hill ! I'm a CAT i should b able 2 scale mountains. I've seen a male Red guard climb SIDEWAYS across mountains! What the hell, i feel ripped off in that skill :confused:

  6. Unlike werewolves, vampires have disadvantages as well as advantages. There are four stages of vampirism, and you progress to the next stage each day you go without feeding on a sleeping NPC. Don't worry, it doesn't harm them. When you feed, you return to level one. Each level, your powers grow stronger, but so do your weaknesses.For advantages:Frost Resistance (Current vamp lvl x25%, with Dawnguard it's 10% + current vamp lvl x10%)Life drain destruction spell (stronger with each vamp lvl)Stronger illusion spells (Current vamp lvl x25%)Night vision (unlocked at stage 3)Once a day zombie spell (stronger with each vamp lvl)Once a day illusion spell (unlocked at stage 2)Once a day invisibility spell (unlocked at stage 4)100% disease resistance100% poison resistance (passes cap, it's actually about 85%)Harder to detect while sneaking (Current vamp lvl x25%)Vampire Lord form (with Dawnguard)Now for disadvantages:Weakness to fire (Current vamp lvl x25%, with Dawnguard it's 10% + current vamp lvl x10%)No regeneration in sunlightPenalty to health, stamina, magicka while in sunlight (stronger with each vamp lvl)NPCs attack you on sight at stage 4 (not with Dawnguard)

    What a bummer u cant go shopping. & how would u get quests when u r not interacting w/ others ??

  7. I'm intrigued on the update to this. Is he staying out late at night claiming hes "at work"? Does he PIN lock his scrolls and not let you read them?

    No. I'm the one out on adventures most of the time,but when i come home unexpectedly he is always hanging in the Our bedroom w/ Lydia the housecarl ! & if u know Marcuiro he is ALWAYs drinking or talking about it. So i suspect maybe  he is 2 "tired" 2 cook 4 me. he's all out of his ~ magic ~  :angry:

  8. Woman in drag as a man*



    Ah, in which case you should maybe ask him if he wants a massage, or if he wants to watch the football with some beers, tell him he can invite his friends round to watch the game, then he and his friends can go to the local bars and clubs to have a "blokes night out" and that you won't bother him all night with texts and phonecalls concerning where he is and what he is doing.


    Then he might cook.

    LOL well if it works in this day & age then it will work "back in time" I'll give it a shot :tongue:

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