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Everything posted by ThatsWhatSheSaid

  1. I thought it was airstrip too but when i played it on three team deathmatch we only played at the airport never going in the plane and fighting against trucks. Maybe can't play it on three team deathmatch.
  2. I know it doesn't deal with skim but do any of you know the uncharted 3 multiplayer lvl where on team i on a plane while the other team follows in a truck! If you do what type of multiplayer type is it like team death match or maybe some other type. And the the lvl isn't air strip
  3. hey i was just walking around solitude when a courier came up to me and gave me a note of inheritance and it said Idolf Battle-born ( don't remember his first name) died and i got one hundred gold for it. Is this for a quest of some sort cause to tell you the truth i don't even remember meeting this guy???
  4. Its after you bring the claw back when she says that and that's the only way you can marry her is if you bring the claw back. I should have never brought that claw back!!!!!
  5. I thought that was Michael Jackson from his music video Thriller.
  6. What is your least favorite wife you can have???? Mine is Camilla for many reasons. One i always find her in bed with Faendel, two every time i talk to her she's like thanks for bringing the claw back, and im like bitch shut up that was like a year ago. Three she is always at the inn in Riverwood drunk as hell and dancing like a total retard and im always acting like i don't know her! What are your opinions on the subject. :-)
  7. Yeah your right i got it at lvl 41 so that's why it sucks for me. But it should get better as you do. I was so excited once i got it and went on a rampage and only killed like 2 guards before they killed me and i was all like WTF!!!!!!! No!!!! Why!!!!!! I hate u Bethastand!?!!?!??!!! Then i was like wait i didn't mean that XD :-C B-)
  8. Am i the only one who thinks the Warewolf is way to weak?!?!?
  9. How do you make your wife ware clothes (does it matter if clothes are stolen)
  10. Same happened to me. I had a bunch of guards on me so i killed them all and accidentally killed my follower but then i found out that i was in the middle of a quest the required a follower but the guy wasn't following me. He was gonna met me somewhere so i met him did the quest and it finally worked (it was a companions mission can't remember which though). Tell me if this works for you.
  11. just found my wife Camilla in bed with Faendal. Damn You Camilla!!!!!!

  12. Yeah i hate that loading glitch i constantly have to turn my ps3 off cause of it. But also about the human kids your right it would be awesome to have some Khajiit cubs or baby Orcs or even baby Dark elves.
  13. One of my biggest problems (ps3) is while its on the loading screen with a picture it will keep loading and loading and never stop this happened twice and once i let it sit and it stayed like that for hours.
  14. Wow that was the only reason i joined the college was to learn to play an instrument not to Find instruments.
  15. I just started Bards college missions and i was wondering if you ever learn to play instrument
  16. You can do the same thing with Dirge in the thieves guild about his name.
  17. You get way more experience if you attack him instead of just walking around on sneak. Plus its way faster if you attack him with a knife.
  18. Go to the Greybeards and they will always sit on the floor somewhere in the building. Crouch down behind one of them and get out a knife and start swinging at him. Make sure your hidden if your not it won't work. They won't attack you or get mad at you. There health will go down once its really low wait till he heals and start hitting him again (i don't think he will die but do it just in case). They may get up and walk around and sit down somewhere else. Just wait till he sits and start hitting him again. Your sneak will get better and better but it may take a while.
  19. First you must finish the pilgrims path (last mission for the thieves guild). After that you must talk to Brynoff and he'll tell you that you did good and will make a good guild master, but your not the guild master yet. Then you go get jobs from Vex and Delvin. You must complete 5 jobs for these 4 cities Markarth, Windhelm, Solitude, and Whiterun. After you complete 5 jobs for one city you get a special job from Delvin. You get one special job per city. After you completed all special jobs talk to Brynoff and he will tell you your ready to become guild. You will get a little ceremony. Then go to the Ragon Flagon. Talk to the thieves guild fence (forgot her name) she will give you you thieves guild master armor. Congratulations you are now the thieves guild headmaster.
  20. Nope i know it sucks but you can't get remarried. I also married Camilla and she is a terrible wife
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