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Everything posted by Tullius84

  1. Ulfric was being used by the dominion to weaken the empire. He, believing he was fighting for the nords, was in reality fighting for the thalmor he hated so much. The Stormcloaks and the Empire should have formed an alliance to rise up against the Thalmor. In the end, the empire really had Skyrims best interest in mind. Tullius actually grew to love Skyrim.
  2. I myself like the looks of the Blade Armor and Orcish Armor but the functionality of Ebony Armor. Ebony armor provides plenty of protection and is statistically similar to Deadric armor.
  3. IMO. Ulfric was no more than an agent for the evil Thalmor. They needed him so they could use the "divide and conquer" tactic. He was either stupid, an agent for the thalmor or both. The Stormcloaks should have formed an alliance with the Empire to rid the world of the thalmor. Without the other, it would have been very hard to take down the Thalmor armies. General Tullius actually starts to like the people of Skyrim and later considers it his home. He does not understand their traditions but in a sense, grows to accept them.
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