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David last won the day on November 5 2018

David had the most liked content!

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  1. Legitimately concerned the ES video is going to crash the server.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      Yeah... I thought making it member-only would dissuade most. Nope.

      It has reduced the bandwidth... Slightly. Before we were doubling our usual monthly allotment every 2 hours. There's still probably a decent chance we get shut-down until I pay for extra.

    3. Fergal


      Either way, at least you are getting some site activity. ;) Although it seems most are just here to watch the video, doubt much will actually stay, but you never know.

    4. David


      Yeah. It's sort of misleading though since there's really not that much more traffic than usual, it's just that almost everyone that goes to the video ends up registering.

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