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''We lost a friend, one of the finest men and one of the greatest characters we were fortunate to meet in this community and in this business, '' Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti said.''Baltimore is now without one of its best and someone who was a foundation for the tremendous popularity of football in our area.The world is not as bright tonight because we lost someone who could make us all smile.''

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EAST LANSING Jim DelAny gAve A brief speech to the MichigAn StAte footbAll teAm this morning And got ACommemorAtive footbAll from MArk DAntonio — the Big TenCommissioner is entering his 25th yeAr in chArge.To mArk thAt And the 100th yeAr of the rose bowl, delAny is mAking the rounds this preseAson with the big ten network tour of the leAgueÂ’s 12 footbAll cAmps.TodAy mArked A “two-A-Day†for delany, with a morning stop in east lansing And the afternoon in ann arbor.Here are some excerpts from his discussion with reporters after the msu practice:On his speech to the spartans:“I just told them what I told the other guys around the conference:ItÂ’s an opportunity And a privilege to be at these schools And to play in the big ten.ItÂ’s an opportunity not only athletically but academically to get a great degree, a great education.This particular group has had a lot of success.TheyÂ’ve won more big ten football games than any other conference team in the last five years.TheyÂ’ve won a divisional championship, theyÂ’ve had some great success in september with wins over teams like boise And notre dame, And good bowl success with wins over tcu And georgia.And itÂ’s one of seven institutions in the country that have won national championships in football And basketball.So they have capacity And they have possibilities, And i know they have big dreams for themselves.I was just wishing them good luck.†On the Ed OÂ’Bannon case against the NCAA And the hot issue of the NCAA making money off the jerseys of athletes:“Oh, that.I donÂ’t know.I donÂ’t make a lot of it.I think we have 12 football games.We have probably a half-Dozen lawsuits.And you guys have got to cover something.ItÂ’s the issue du jour.I donÂ’t know.When i was a student, i had an all-American ahead of me who was 22.And an all-Conference player behind me.And i was in the middle.So they could do what they want with my jersey.None of them were retired, it wasnÂ’t 23.But bobby lewis is a guy who wore the number before i did, And he played a number of years in the nba.George karl wore it after me. And soI donÂ’t know.There are legal issues about likeness. AndI donÂ’t know the Answer to thAt.I think youÂ’d have to be an intellectual-Property lawyer to understAnd it really deeply.But i donÂ’t think that itÂ’s a federal issue.But itÂ’s, obviously, being litigated, And weÂ’ll see where it works out.And where it works out, weÂ’llComply with, And weÂ’ll have to do so in a way that meets title ix And have to do so in a way that is fair to everybody involved.Obviously, itÂ’s a hot issue And it gets written about every day, And thatÂ’s fine.I mean, uniforms, replicas are out there, have been out there for decades, as have playing cards.My playing cardÂ’s out there.Get it on ebay, itÂ’s about $7.50.So i donÂ’t see it as being that big an issue.†On whether athletes should be allowed to profit off their own brAnd:“My position is itÂ’s part of that whole discussion.We think that the rules that are in place ought to be abided by until theyÂ’re changed, thatÂ’s number one.ThatÂ’s basic.I donÂ’t care if itÂ’s eligibility rules, i donÂ’t really care if itÂ’s recruiting rules.I donÂ’t really care if itÂ’s endorsement rules or if itÂ’s extra-Benefit rules.The rules are the rules.If you donÂ’t like them, try to change them.If you canÂ’t change them And you want to litigate them, litigate them.ItÂ’s america.I have my own personal opinions And we have ours, And we are in some cases supportive of one side or another.But i donÂ’t see it as a crisis.ItÂ’s content.ItÂ’s discussion.Let people have it.“And at the end of the day, if(The oÂ’bannon)Plaintiffs are successful, congress will have to figure out what to do with title ix And other things.If itÂ’s not successful, weÂ’ll have something thatÂ’s close to the status quo.And even within the status quo, i think thereÂ’s room to have a better system, a more educationally adept system, a system that is more supportive of the athletes.But for me, And i think for the big ten, thereÂ’s a limit, which is the cost of education.If a person has to go professional, so be it.You can go to the cba, you can go european, you can go to arena.Sell your jersey.†On the importance of MSU president Lou Anna K.Simon, who chairs the ncaa executiveCommittee: "SheÂ’s very experienced And knowledgeable And represents us very well at the ncaa.She keeps in close contact with our presidents And, obviously, with mark here, mark hollis is a knowledgeable guy, And the athletics here are great And the academics are great, so she brings a sense of perspective And balance.Yeah, she's been a real asset for our conference And also we're fortunate to have her at the ncaa when times are challenging in many different ways.†On the new Detroit bowl And changed bowl system: "I really can't tell you how it all came to be except we were approached by the ford field/detroit lions people.They put a game together that involved the acc And the big ten And a television partner And a corporate partner to be named, And we were pleased we were able to do it.We were involved with the little caesars bowl for a number of years.We didn't always provide a team, And i'm hopeful we will be able to provide teams going forward.Not only will we not know where teams are gonna be going, but we really won't know how many teams are going because we'll be playing nine games, we'll have 14 members rather than 12, but we think we'll have a team most years And think the opponent is good, And it's a world-Class facility.“So we're playing in venues that have hosted many Super Bowls And venues that are home to NFL teams And located throughout a national footprint.So we feel really good about it.We feel really good about the college football playoff, the rose bowl, the national slate.It's to be determined.It's gonna be a little different because they, in the past, had pretty much carte blanche to pick who they wanted And when they wanted to.But we're going into the third decade of tie-Ins, And we think there's some really good things about tie-Ins because you can identify your opponent, you can identify recruiting areas, you can identify where your fans like to go.One of the negatives we thought there was too much control by the bowls.So we tried to re-Create the financial model.We took fewer tickets, better tickets, maybe a lesser payout inCome cases And took more control, so we're hopeful by doing those things the bowl slate works better over time.†More on the change at Ford Field:“We donÂ’t get involved in local politics.I know the guys, i knew the guys who worked with the final four And knew the guys that worked with little caesars.But we're not picking winners.We've got a bowl environment that's gonna include pasadena, it's gonna include san francisco, san diego, dallas/fort worth, tampa, jacksonville, detroit, new york city, nashville, And then we're gonna have opportunities to play in phoenix, dallas And atlanta.So we're not picking And choosing winners.It's theseCommunities that areComing forward with a proposal.So lots of times, within thoseCommunities, whether it's jerry jones stadium, or the old cotton bowl or fort worth, they work it out themselves.It's the marketplace working.It's themComing forward with a proposal.The same is true in our postseason basketball tournament or football.PeopleCome forward with proposals, theyCompete against each other, they make a proposal And then we select.We're fortunate to have that, so we're not engaged in any local politics in that issue. "On the creativity of msu athletic director mark hollis: "Mark's on the cutting edge of creative game making.Whenever we're thinking about an idea, i always run it by mark to see if he blesses it or whether he's got any alternative ideas.I know this;I know that he does sleep but in his waking hours, his mind works on two or three different tracks, And we try to take advantage of that And i'm always asking for ideas or reactions to ideas we have And innovative ideas he may have.He's a real great resource for not only michigan state but the big ten. "On whether a 16-Team big ten is inevitable:“You're asking a person that could live with 11 teams for 20 years whether or not it's inevitable we go to 16.The only good thing about 11 is it's a prime number, but it was the right number for us for 20 years.I'm just being honest.There is nothing inevitable about 16.There was really nothing inevitable about 14.But circumstances change And opportunities arise, And you have to weigh all things taken in consideration.Whether or not there's more risk staying where you are or whether there is more risk in changes.There's risk either way you cut it.This is not an open-And-Shut case.“I think Penn State and Nebraska stand on their own merits, and I think Maryland and Rutgers do as well.We added two institutions in contiguous areas.I think we increased our land mass by 3% but our demographics by 30%.We added washington, baltimore and new york but we have schools that fit us.Because they're flagship, public, aau institutions that are proximately located to existing members.Penn state is certainly a bridge to that area.Twenty years there we decided, let's look at it and then we added nebraska and stopped, paused and tried to figure out a way to work with the pac-12.Other changes continued to happen around us.Sec to texas, sec to missouri, acc to indiana, pennsylvania, new york, massachussetts.“So you have to make a judgment.Are you best served by acting or not acting?We thought we were best served by acting.So we are where we are, and we're very pleased and looking forward to the integration and, you know, kind of tying two regions of the country together. "Contact joe rexrode:[email protected] him on twitter @joerexrode.Check out his msu blog at freep.Com/heyjoe.

OWINGS MILLS, Md. --There was a period of time this offseason when baltimore ravens quarterbackJoe flacco, the reigning super bowl mvp, was the highest paid player in the hisTory of the national football league.His average of 20.1 million per season would soon be eclipsed by Aaron Rodgers, and then later Matt Ryan, but I can tell you, unequivocally, that the money has not changed him one bit.Heck, he's barely even spent any of it.Joe flacco remains in every way--Save for his ability To throw a football and operate an nfl offense--The most averageJoe in the league.This will never change.After five years of renting in the baltimore area--First an apartment he shared with his brother and then the past two years a house with his wife--Flacco purchased a home in this area this offseason.And, well, that's it.No cars.No boats.No bling.Not for him, of course, becauseJewelry would never be an option with this down-To-Earth dude;But not even for his wife.More from camp ravens' answer to slot receiver?Ray rice if anything, flacco, 28, seems to have managed to lower his profile following his shining performance in leading the ravens to a 34-31 victory over the 49ers before a global audience of some 160 million people that's roughly 320 million eyeballs watching in over 230 countries.Other quarterbacks have eclipsed his record contract, and other quarterbacks want, need or fall prey to the attention that comes with their craft in terms of sponsorships and endorsements, leaving flacco comfortably returned to relative obscurity while the nfl gossip pages churn about geno smith or mark sanchez, and networks flock to chronicle robert griffin iii still injured, colin kaepernick or even ej manuel at training camps.This disappearing act may be flacco's greatest accomplishment of all, for he has no interest in being famous and while his bank account would certainly speak to a rarified generational wealth, nothing about flacco's lifestyle has changed.And all of this is tremendous news for ravens fans, as their quarterback remains solely focused on football, his family and his blue-CollarJersey roots--The very things that led him from battling for a startingJob at pittsburgh to transferring to delaware to eventual nfl stardom. "What do i really need? "Flacco said, laughing at his lack of splurges as much as i was.Everything i need i already had, and everything i want, if i really want it, i can go get it.But there's nothing i really want.I don't need a 110, 000 car or anything like that. "I mean, i like that four-Door porsche.I like to say i'm going to go buy that.But do i really need it?A year ago i said,'if i ever sign a big deal i'm going to get that porsche.'.But i didn't.That kind of stuff happens--I think about buying that stuff sometimes.But in the end, what am i going to do with that?Indeed, as someone who was photographed pulling up at a mcdonald's drive-Thru along 1-95 in his truck when heading back to his native NewJersey after signing his record contract in March, Flacco wouldn't feel right in Porsche his hometown, Audubon, N.J. , isJust a few hours from Baltimore.Works better in theory than execution.He'd rather be at a family game night eating pizza as he was when his contract was finalized, than at the vip table of some club or fancy restaurant. He spent this summer in the same spots along theJersey Shore he's always visited.No elaborate vacations.He's considering buying a place down the shore, but he's in no rush-- "I want to make sure i get a good deal,"The ever-Pragmatic passer said. This is a man, by the way, who managed To slide without purchasing something bedazzled for the misses even after the birth of their first child, Stephen, inJune, because, well, he did already come up with something nice for their first anniversary earlier that offseason.Dana flacco is expecting their second child next month. "Yeah, last year for the first anniversary she kind of made me step up to the plate on that one, said flacco, who wants to have"A lot"Of kids. "But i told her when we're all done having kids i'll get her something really big.I have to be honest with her, so like every kid i'm not getting something ridiculous. "Flacco's agent,Joe Linta, meantime, had a cell phone that wouldn't sTop ringing and an email inbox overloaded with pitches and inquiries for his suddenly hot client, post Super Bowl.Flacco, of course, wanted nothing to do with any of it.He did commit new nfl jerseys a few days in may to shoot a commercial for fox that aired during baseball's all-Star game, and that was pretty much it. The glitz and the cameras and all of thatJust do nothing for him. Even locally here in Baltimore, guys like Haloti Ngata, a defensive tackle for goodness sakes, have a much larger endorsement presence than the only quality quarterback in Baltimore Ravens' hisTory and, honestly, the greatest quarterback this city has seen sinceJohnny U was in his prime, with the possible exception of BertJones' MVP season way back in 1977. "I get those calls and emails all the time, all the time, linta said. And at this point I don't even callJoe about most of it.I pretty much know the answer by now.Money isn't an issue for him, and his privacy and time are what he values. It'sJust not worth it To him.It's pretty simple for flacco: In the few weeks between the end of OTAs and the start of camp, would he rather be flying To LA To shoot a national commercial, or at the shore with his wife and baby and parents and the buddies who have shared every high and low of hisJourney since grade school? "It's funny, you think you have all the time to do all this stuff, flacco said, and then all of a sudden the offseason is over and we're back here playing football and what were you going to do with all of that stuff, anyway?So the super bowl mvp didn't go to his head, and, with ray lewis and ed reed no longer his teammates, he won't be trying to mimic an outsized brand of leadership or do anything before, during, or after games that will get noticed by the cameras. He will, however, remain a vital locker room resource decidedly away from the media and he will continue To make a point To work with young receivers the Ravens have no shortage of those, withJacobyJones the only true veteran in the bunch, and he certainly seems To have a greater voice in this offense now withJim Caldwell the offensive coordinaTor than he did when Cam Cameron had the position, and friction was common.More good news for ravens' fans.Flacco, the 18th overall pick in 2008, won't ever be brett favre in the huddle.He won't conform to fit an outside notion of how a quarterback should act or what a quarterback should say.If it doesn't feel natural to him, it won't fly. "I may never be looked at as a guy that i'm what some people want their leader to be, flacco said, coolly, never getting worked up, but that's not me.I'm really a guy that i believe a lot of the best leaders that we have are really guys that don't want that spotlight, but they are the best at what they do. "I don't like all the bullshit part of it, and what people think it is.So i don't do that stuff. So I'm always going To be the guy I am, and lead the way I think is necessary, andJust be real, and be honest and make sure everybody knows that when I say something they can believe it, and trust it, and do it. "And if there's a problem in the locker room, they can come to me and i'm not going to be afraid to take it to somebody.If there's an issue, i'll speak up, and hey, right or wrong, i will take it to somebody.I'm that guy.You can come to me, and i'll get your point across to somebody whether it's right or wrong. CoachJohn Harbaugh said he's seen that side of Flacco manifest itself more in recent years, as a natural process through the quarterback's growth and the realities ofThe ever-Changing nfl locker room. "Probably moreso now because we've had so many guys here who have done that before, harbaugh said. "I mean ray [lewis] and ed [reed] and anquan [boldin] and [derrick] mason at one time. So we've had that, andJoe has always been willing To do that and he's always done it, but now it's To another level because he is that senior guy now.Flacco's presence and input will be even more necessary now, with tight end dennis pitta lost for the season early in camp to a freak hip injury.Pitta, one of flacco's closest friends was in line to be the focal point of the passing game in a two-Tight end set with boldin dealt away for a late-Round pick, which could have been quite lucrative for pitta in this the final year of his rookie contract.He was going to have a big year, flacco said.Watching him go down hurt flacco more personally than professionally pitta was a strong sounding board and supporter of flacco a year ago when he was going through protracted contractual machinations with the ravens.Flacco spent time with his buddy shortly after surgery, hanging out at his house, finding solace in the fact that pitta was staying fairly upbeat and handling the situation better than could be expected. "We lost a really good player, but we can't focus on that too long, flacco said. You say,'Shoot, man that's one of our good guys,' but you move on and you have To find somebody To step up and keep going.This kind of stuff happens, and we've dealt with it before in one way or the other.And yeah, it'll hurt.He's one of the best guys we have to put out there.Flacco figures now caldwell will rely on more three-Receiver sets than the two-Tight end offense they focused on so much during otas ed dickson, who has been more of a blocker but can get downfield, is nursing a hamstring tear.It's rare to get two tight ends who can run routes the way those two can, flacco said.If we can get someone who can do it, we'll be happy, but i doubt we can get somebody who can do it quite as good as dennis can.Flacco is also intrigued by the idea of elusive running back ray rice in the slot, and i got the feeling that's an option he might politic caldwell for as the season approaches. He'sJust so receptive, Flacco said of Caldwell. "The communication is great, and it's because he listens to me and i listen to him, and it's cool to work that way.Even without boldin and pitta, flacco is brimming with confidence about the young skill players on this roster, and the ability of this offense to fulfill its promise on a consistent basis.No contract will curtail his drive to improve, or suppress his will to speak his mind.Some scoffed when he answered a question, honestly, a few years back that he believed he could be the best quarterback in the league, and he isn't shy about what he thinks the 2013 baltimore ravens could accomplish. "I feel so good about where we're going, flacco said.I think our defense has the chance to be dominant--If you look at our defense on paper, i don't know how you don't think they're better-- and our offense isJust becoming more and more dominant, and we're still young.So it's exciting to see where we can go.As for flacco, he'll be pretty much in the same spots he's always been. But he might want To sneak in an extra trip or two To theJewelry sTore along the way.

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PONNURU:Republicans, don t shut down the government.Newt gingrich is telling republicans not to fear a government shutdown because the last one went so well for them.This is pure revisionist history, and they would be fools to believe him.Gingrich is trying to buck up the republicans who favor this tactic, while reinterpreting an important episode in his career that has usually been taken to be a big mistake.He says the shutdown advanced republican aims, making it possible to restrain spending and balance the budget.Ramesh ponnuru in bloomberg.

Chuck Pagano s rides to the hospital with his wife, Tina, left, are things of the past. (Usa today sports)Back down in indy, the commute for pagano from his home located northwest of the city to lucas oil stadium in downtown is fairly simple.He takes interstate 65 to exit 114, gets off on martin luther king jr.Street, which turns into west street and rolls almost directly to the stadium.Last year he envisioned it was a drive he would make for years to come, the hope and ambition of a first-Year head man.

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Rivers, who is playing on a one-Year, $800, 000 contract, came into the league with the bengals and played four seasons before being traded to the giants.He made only modest contributions last season because of injuries, which also limited him in cincinnati.He now is the starter, one spot before curry.But while the competition is fierce, the two men work together well.

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SAN FRANCISCO- (Ap) --On this jerseys for sale first night of the exhibition season, denver displayed the opportunistic defense the 49ers lived by the last two years, something that carried san francisco back to the super bowl in february, 18 years after capturing their fifth championship.

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ANDERSON, Ind. (Ap) Campus is beautiful.City needs some work.That was the unfortunate refrain of many fans visiting anderson university tuesday for indianapolis colts afternoon practice.While most of them took the day off from work to make a day trip with their children to see the team, many had no plans to stay in town After practice was over.In and out. "You drive through town, and it's really run down.A lot of buildings are boarded up.It's pretty concerning,"Peter rice of indianapolis told the herald bulletin(Http://bit.Ly/1d6lrba).It was the first attended practice this year for rice, a student at purdue university who made one final summer road trip with close family friends the koziols.Rice said the campus was quite impressive, and he recognizes that the city has made strides to improve its image, especially with a professional franchise as short-Term tenants.Still, outside trips to see the colts at training camp and occasional visits to friends who attend au, rice has little reason to spend money here. "We didn't take any of the main roads to come here, and you can see in a lot of areas where the city is struggling,"Rice said. "I just have no motivation to stay(After practice. )"While anderson's economic and general ills aren't news, the city fought to bring back the colts for the economic boon it would presumably create for the surrounding communities.Rice and the koziols said they're sure having the team in town for training camp was good for the economy, though they had no intention of contributing.With a feverish excitement surrounding the team and a mild summer yielding beautiful weather, the colts have reaped one of their most successful campaigns strictly by attendance, with droves of fans coming out to quench their thirst for america's new pastime.Roughly 1, 000 came to see practice tuesday.But is it really benefiting the city?If nothing else, the fans appreciate the convenience of camp being in anderson.Tad williams of lawrence came with his wife, lisa, and their two daughters, monica and camryn.The williamses, like many coming from the indianapolis area, shot up i-69 for the easy trek to AU.The girls were excited to catch a glimpse of their favorite player, andrew luck, and possibly get an autograph.Tad williams, who used to work for the team, has been to training camps here and terre haute and said anderson is definitely the preferable venue. Still, even with his familiarity with the city, the family just came to getIn and out of camp. "There's just not a lot to do after this,"Williams said.Even though local businesses might not be seeing the direct benefits, fans raved about the campus and the actual training camp experience presented by the colts.Chris johnson, who has also attended training camps for years at both locations, agreed that anderson is a superior location to terre haute for several reasons.Johnson, who came to camp with sons liam and quentin, lives in anderson now but has had jobs around the state and the country.He said the city seems to take much more pride in hosting the colts than terre haute did and other cities that host nfl teams. "The city really gets behind the camp and really supports the team.The campus has really improved its facilities and the city markets the team well.And the colts do a good job here, too.The colts city is a lot larger than it was in terre haute, and there's a lot more to do,"Johnson said.Several fans did acknowledge some of the economic improvements that have been made, especially along the i-69 corridor.Chris titzer of cincinnati came tuesday with sons kevin and matthew for his first-Ever training camp experience.He's been a colts fan since they moved to indianapolis in 1984 and he was living in evansville.Titzer had never been to anderson, though he's familiar with the economic turmoil of recent decades.He acknowledged he hadn't stopped in town on the way in, but said he might stop somewhere with his sons on the way back home. "This is a beautiful campus, and the people here in town seem friendly.The atmosphere seems pretty positive,"Titzer said.___Information from:The herald bulletin, http://www.Theheraldbulletin.Comthis is an ap member exchange shared by the herald bulletin.

Back in January, when the last standoff over the debt limit was looming, John Boehner gave a strategic interview to the Wall Street Journal in which he said he thought the debt ceiling was not the ultimate leverage for Republicans.Though he vowed to continue pushing for spending cuts in exchange for a debt limit hike, boehner said then that he thought the stronger card for republicans lay in the looming sequester cuts later.This was the promised sop.Ultimately, of course, republicans caved in that debt limit fight. (They held firm on the sequester and let the cuts go forward, but for many reasons, that was politically much easier than triggering default would have been. )

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DETROIT When Walter Johnson took his wedding vows, he truly meant for better or for worse.So when his wife, mattie, became bedridden 10 years ago, the detroit resident couldn't imagine anyone but himself taking care of her.Mattie johnson, 65, uses a feeding tube, can't walk or talk, and needs adult diapers.Johnson, who is retired and receives federal assistance, relies on a wayne charity, community living services, to get free adult diapers.Cathy fikes, who works for the agency, says such diapers can be bought on sale for $12 for 18 pairs, which adds up quickly. "It means a lot to me,"Johnson, who's 68, told the detroit news(Bit.Ly/16udyck). "It lets me know that people care. "For many low-Income families, the struggle to afford diapers both for children and adults can be stressful and often humiliating, says marybeth levine, founder of the detroit area diaper bank, which supplies more than 50 metro detroit assistance groups with donated diapers. "We've seen so much about how the reliance on food stamps has gone up in our area, but what people don't realize is that food stamps only cover food,"Said levine, a canton mother of three boys. "In fact, there are a whole list of products like soap, toilet paper and diapers that aren't covered by federal assistance programs. "According to a study by yale university researchers, nearly one-Third of mothers surveyed cannot afford to purchase diapers for their children, increasing health risks for both the child and the parent, who can experience extreme anxiety over not being able to provide care.The study, which was released july 29 in the journal pediatrics and focused on women in new haven, conn., found that an adequate supply of children's diapers costs $18 a week.The researchers calculated that a single mom making the minimum wage of $7.25 per hour would have to pay more than 6 percent of her gross earnings to afford diapers for one child.The need in metro detroit is just as pressing as elsewhere in the country, said levine, who founded the detroit area diaper bank in 2009 as a response to the struggling economy. "Some of the social workers will tell me stories where people will burst into tears when they are handed diapers because of the relief they feel,"Levine said. "It's a health issue, it's a safety issue and it's an emotional issue. "Susan powers, coordinator of starfish family services' early learning resource center, says one out of four families the center works with runs out of diapers before they are able to purchase more.The inkster-Based private, nonprofit agency serves vulnerable children and families. "Visitors have shown up at families' homes and witnessed toddlers in grocery bags instead of diapers because their families cannot afford them,"Powers said. "There have also been other of our families, due to the stress of finances, trying to potty train as early as 10 months. "The health risks to children are clear, according to the yale researchers.Cases of urinary tract infections and dermatitis from diaper rash are higher when access to diapers is limited.Older adults who lack an adequate supply of diapers also can experience emotional stress and health risks. "People are confined at home because they don't have any incontinence products,"Said fikes, whose agency gets diapers from the diaper bank. "It's gotten to the point where they have nowhere else to turn to. "The detroit area diaper bank is gearing up for its fall diaper drive, where volunteers aim to collect more than 250, 000 diapers before thanksgiving.Mary honsel, executive director of crossroads of michigan, which provides myriad services at two locations in detroit, says it is hard to keep up with the need for diapers, which are among the most requested items from people coming to the centers. "By the time you pay for rent, food, transportation, even someone who is working full-Time may not have money left for diapers,"Honsel said. "I think when people have enough food and clothing and diapers, the tension in the family is lessened and people in the home can be more relaxed. "That has been the experience of tashena roby, who until recently had two daughters in diapers at the same time. Her husband, who worked inThe inkster schools, recently lost his job when the district was shut down by the state, and the family has had to turn to Starfish for assistance with diapers. "It has opened the door for us to be able to do more family things, even something as simple as buying gas to be able to go to the beach,"Roby said. "And with the diaper program at starfish, it's so open and welcoming, so i'm not ashamed. "---Information from:The detroit news, detnewsm/this is an ap member exchange shared by the detroit news.

Ben Roethlisberger completed 4 of 8 passes for 36 yards for Pittsburgh, leading the Steelers to a field goal on their second possession.Rookie linebacker jarvis jones, ohcheapnfl.com the 17th overall pick in the draft, recovered a fumble in his professional debut.Running back le'veon bell, the team's second-Round pick, did not play due to a sore left knee.

Ryan told reporters after practice that Smith had"His worst day"And looked"Uncomfortable", throwing three interceptions among several bad balls.The coach, however, still hasn't decided on a starting qb for saturday's second preseason game against jacksonville, but it's hard to think it will be smith.

Most of Justin Bieber s headlines in recent months have come from his offstage antics, but that mattered little to the thousands of screaming Beliebers at Thursday night s performance at the Forum, even when their hero took to the stage more than an hour late.While parents patiently killed time in a specially created waiting area, the crowd of mostly young girls shrieked nonstop from the moment the pop star was newcheapnfl lowered to the stage sporting a huge pair of wings.Bieber might soon outgrow that demographic, but on this night, a sea of cellphones wielded by an army of passionate fans recorded his every song, dance move and toss of his famous hair.

INDIANApOLIS(Ap)Indianapolis colts linebacker justin hickman will likely miss the rest of the season with a foot injury.Coach chuck pagano made the announcement monday.Hickman injured his right foot early in the second quarter of sunday's 44-20 preseason loss To Buffalo and limped off the field after getting injured on a running play.Pagano said x-Rays showed the lisfranc injury and docTors have recommended surgery.It's another blow for the colts, who have already lost defensive tackle brandon mckinney for Hot Sale Cheap Ravens Jerseys! Cheap NFL Jerseys For Sale the season with a knee injury and will be without tight end dwayne allen for at least a couple of more weeks because of a foot injury.Cornerback cassius vaughn is listed as day-To-Day after x-Rays were negative on his wrist. ---Online:Ap nfl website pro32.Ap

Last season, the Bears finished 10-6, the same record as the Super Bowl XLVII champion Baltimore Ravens.But it was not good enough to edge out the 11-5 Packers or 10-6 Minnesota Vikings for a playoff berth.And since that 10-6 came after a 7-1 start, the season was deemed a failure and Smith was let go.

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Wolfe went down at the 9:13 mark of the first quarter.Wolfe appeared to be cut-Blocked down by seattle tight end luke willson and fullback michael robinson delivered a block to wolfe s head and shoulder area that left wolfe down on the field for several minutes while being attended to by the broncos training staff.

Both wideouts have fallen short of the expectation attached to their lofty wholesale nfl football jerseys draft statuses, but each side is hopeful that a new atmosphere could spark a spike in production--Especially in the case of jenkins, who failed to notch a single reception during his rookie season last year.Baldwin has caught a total of 41 passes for 579 yards and two scores in his two seasons in the nfl.

When college football kicks off soon, the NCAA will have a new rule. "Targeting"The head of a defenseless player will be an automatic ejection.No shades of gray: "When in doubt, toss them out,"Officials are being told.This rule is coming to football maybe 50 years late, but at least at the college level(And in massachusetts and texas, in which high schools use the ncaa rulebook), it is here.Why hasn't the nfl already matched?

Hernandez, 23, pleaded not guilty to murder and weapons charges in June, and he is being held without bail at a county jail.He had a brief court appearance in attleboro on thursday afternoon.Afterward, his attorney michael fee said the defense was pleased to be on a path to a jury trial and was looking forward to testing the prosecution's evidence. "There has been an incredible rush to judgment in this case,"And the state doesn't have enough evidence to prove the charges, he said.

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Cary Williams Play Speaks For Itself-Danta klaus, philadelphiaeaglesmcornerback cary williams spoke of the defense needing to find an attitude and form an identity.Thursday night against the carolina panthers was williams inaugural game as an eagle and, thus, his first chance to practice what he preached earlier in the week.He did not shy away from confrontation, upping the ante on chippiness early as he got into a shoving match with wide receiver steve smith after ohcheapnfl.com the whistle during the first drive.

Smith ripped the helmet off Incognito's head, then hit Incognito on the shoulder with it Saturday night' in the teams' preseason game.The two also went at it in last season's opener, when smith kicked incognito, drawing an nfl jerseys sale $11, 000 fine.Smith later said incognito deliberately tried to twist his ankle while holding his legs in the 2012 game.

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The secondary will be a little more consistent.Senior cornerback travis carrie is ready to return after missing all of last season due to injury.Carrie led the team with four interceptions in 2011.Jamil shaw is expected to start at the other corner after missing all of 2012 after suffering a season-Ending injury in the opener at penn state.Junior strong safety josh kristoff is the second-Leading tackler(60 total)Among returners.

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4 yards per carry)While scoring 11 touchdowns.He rushed for 167 yards, including a 95-Yard touchdown run, in a win over texas.Clay rushed for 555 yards and six touchdowns, including a 157-Yard effort in a win over iowa state, and averaged 6 yards per carry.The 6-Foot-2, 259-Pound millard was a second-Team all-Big 12 conference selection-As a tight end, where he caught 30 passes for 337 yards and four touchdowns.

Miami, FL(Prweb)August 19, 2013 sae institute, which was recognized by vibe magazine as being the best audio recording/engineering school in america, recently held the latest edition of “celebrity sundays, †a studio series for the audio technology students at their miami campus.The event featured a visit from latin grammy-Winning songwriter/producer domingo ramos and independently major entertainment recording artist jen rodriguez.

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But it isn t necessarily what fans want to hear, particularly N.C.State fans raised on the sound-Bite virtuosity of jim valvano. They traditionally have gravitated toward the sound and fury ofChuck Amato and Mark Gottfried, not the bland professionalism of, say, Herb Sendek.

Adam Martini is a freelance sports writer with more than 15 years of experience covering amateur and professional sports for several print and online media outlets.He tracked the new york giants for yahoo!Contributor network during the team s super bowl new nfl jerseys run in 2011-12.Adam can be found on twitter @pegcitysports.

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2 quarterback job.Mccoy threw for 35 yards but also tossed an interception, while tolzien threw for only 30 yards.The main story line, though, was smith facing his former team.After leading san francisco to the playoffs and getting off to a good start last year, he lost the top job when he got hurt.

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One can t point the finger at the Mets for Harvey s injury.They have handled him perfectly, giving him preventive treatments on his forearm all season, skipping his last start before the all-Star game and, based on collins observations of saturday s start, which he attributed to fatigue, had planned to skip harvey s next start this week.

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DENVER(Ap) Peyton Manning's latest commercial doesn't have a catchy tune like"Football on your phone"That he rapped with brother eli.In fact, he's downright silent in this one.A straight-Faced manning teamed up with john elway, john lynch and chauncey billups in a humorous ad campaign that launches monday promoting the 2014 bmw championship golf tournament at cherry hills country club.The campaign, which coincides with the launch of public ticket sales, features print and video ads showing the four denver sports greats attending"Husher school"At cherry hills so they can serve as marshals at next year's event.They do some training to learn how to properly hold up the"Quiet"Signs, with lynch serving as a helpful tutor to manning.The print portion of the campaign features the foursome around a red golf cart holding their"Quiet"Signs.They also 30-Second recorded radio spots. "I had this thought that with denver being such a great sports town, if you were to get all the great sports stars in our town pitching the bmw, people are going to pay attention,"Said george solich, general chairman of the 2014 bmw championship.The cheap packer jerseys bmw championship is part of the pga tour's fedex cup playoffs.No announcements have been made for future venues, but solich said he's confident colorado can become a regular stop for the playoffs because of its great golf weather around labor day. "Now, if we can just get the thursday night opening nfl game again next year, we'd have the perfect storm,"He said. "There's one way to assure that:The broncos win the super bowl. "The broncos are hosting the nfl kickoff opener sept.5 but only because the defending champion Ravens couldn't play the game in Baltimore because of a scheduling conflict with baseball's Orioles.

OAKLAnd, Calif. (Ap)Jay cutler And the chicago bears look ready to start the season.The oaklAnd raiders look ready for a quarterback controversy.Cutler led five first-Half scoring drives, matt forte gained 109 yards from scrimmage And the bears beatThe raiders34-26 Friday night in the final big dress rehearsal for the regular season.``It was a good outing for everybody, but it is preseason, '' Cutler said.``You can't get caught up in that.I don't think we can get too high on this game.We made some mistakes And we need to go back And look at them.But it's a good barometer of where we're at And where we can go.'' Cutler And Forte connected on a 32-Yard touchdown pass, former raiders running back michael bush added a pair of touchdown runs And alshonJeffery caught seven passes for 77 yards as the bears(2-1)Broke out to a 27-0 lead in the first half.This was likely the last full test for chicago's first-Team offense before the season as the top stars will play sparingly-If at all-In the exhibition finale next week against clevelAnd.The raiders(1-2)Might need to use next week's game against seattle to figure out who their quarterback will be.Matt flynn threw Two interceptions onJust six passes before being pulled in favor of terrelle pryor in the second quarter to the delight of frustrated raiders fans.OaklAnd's first-Team defense was shredded And the usually reliable sebastianJanikowski even missed a 49-Yard field goal before connecting from 58 yards out on the final play of the first half to get oaklAnd on the board.``We were very frustrated with how we performed, '' Flynn said.``Watch it, correct it And you have to move on.We'll move on from this.'' Pryor electrified the crowd by leading a late field-Goal drive in the first half And then running And throwing for scores in the third quarter.Pryor finished 7 for 9 for 93 yards passing to go along with 37 yards rushing And led oaklAnd to 20 points on five drives And made a case that he should be the starter when the season starts.``What I want to look at is who gives us the best chance to move the ball down the field And score points, '' coach Dennis Allen said.``Obviously I'm not going to look at one night And base any type of decision on one night.I'll go back And i'll look at it And we'll see where we go from here.'' The Bears came into this game looking to show their passing offense was more thanJust BrAndon Marshall after he was targeted on all five throws by Cutler last week against San Diego.Cutler managed to do that on the first drive with long completions toJeffery And tight end marcellus bennett that set up a field goal by robbie gould.``WeJust called more of our packages And everybody got a chance to get the ball, '' Bennett said.Both those completions came against raiders rookie d.J.Hayden, who played his first game since a near fatal practice collision last november in college at houston.Hayden recovered from that scare And was picked 12th overall by oaklAnd, but was not cleared for contact until this week. He missed a tackle onJeffery's 22-Yard gain, but later on the drive broke up a pass to marshall. Cutler continued to spread the ball around on the second drive after a TimJennings interception.Forte took a swing pass on the next play And went in for a 32-Yard touchdown.Cutler led three more scoring drives in the half And finished the night 12 for 21 for 142 yards with the touchdown.He completed passes to five players with none going to marshall on four attempts in that direction.``It was kind of imperative to do that, come out there And get everything going efficiently, '' Forte said.``We started off fast.It was good to get that continuity going.'' The Raiders' first-Team offense had no bright spots with flynn throwing as many interceptions(Two)As first downs produced(Two)In five drives, leading to frequent boos from the home crowd.Pryor led a late drive for a field goal at the end of the first half And then showed his athleticism on the opening drive of the third quarter.He hit rodStreateron a 19-Yard pass after scrambling out of pressure And then scored on a 25-Yard run.Pryor then threw for a score when he threaded a 19-Yard pass to rookie tight end nick kasa on third-And-16 before sitting for the rest of the game.``I love to throw the ball, '' Pryor said. ``I findJoy in throwing it. I also findJoy in making plays with my feet too.It's definitely something the defense has to look out for and it opens up a lot of things.But i'd rather throw a touchdown then run it.'' NOTES:Streater(Concussion), CBJoselio Hanson (Groin), S Usama Young(Hamstring)And wr brice butler(Hamstring)All had injuries for the raiders.Oakland rb darren mcfadden sat out with a shoulder injury but could have played if it was the regular season.Chicago cb zach bowman tore his hamstring. ---Ap nfl website:Pro32.Ap

NEW YORK The first woman to become a member of the New York Stock Exchange, Muriel"Mickie"Siebert has died at age 80.Siebert died saturday of complications from cancer at memorial sloan-Kettering cancer center in new york.Her death was confirmed by jane macon, a director of siebert financial and a partner at the law firm norton rose fulbright.Siebert, 80, founder and president of the brokerage firm that bears her name, muriel siebert & co.Inc., became the first woman member of the New York Stock Exchange in 1967.She also was the first woman superintendent of banking for the state of new york from 1977 to 1982.Her company went public in 1996 as siebert financial corp.

Welker, Tom Brady's favorite target in New England, bolted new nike jerseys to the Broncos in free agency, teaming with young receivers Demaryius Thomas and Eric Decker, who combined for 23 TD catches last season, to form a new ''Three Amigos'' in Denver and prompting John Elway to declare he's jealous of Manning's targets.

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Un piumino per il calore, a seconda del suo spessore. Alla parte inferiore dello spessore dello strato, con peluria soffice prestazioni sono direttamente correlata alla

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Nel processo di lavaggio piumino, perché che parte verso il basso cadute del Kashmir, mentre le prestazioni saranno interessate, ma l'impatto non è molto grande.



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Un piumino per il calore, a seconda del suo spessore. Alla parte inferiore dello spessore dello strato, con peluria soffice prestazioni sono direttamente correlata alla

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Nel processo di lavaggio piumino, perché che parte verso il basso cadute del Kashmir, mentre le prestazioni saranno interessate, ma l'impatto non è molto grande.



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Folla non vivono nell'Artico moncler rosso i consumatori normali, questo isolamento è sufficiente. I prodotti attualmente sul mercato europeo e americano

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