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Dark Souls 68% Off

  • 12.99 , 360, PS3, Amazon 12/18/12 No value

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i was looking at it last night.  skyrim is the first open map storyline game ive played.  what is dark souls about and what makes it so goo.  is it like skyrim.  and if im stuck on skyrim should i buy oblivion or just not worry about it

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i was looking at it last night.  skyrim is the first open map storyline game ive played.  what is dark souls about and what makes it so goo.  is it like skyrim.  and if im stuck on skyrim should i buy oblivion or just not worry about it

Dark Souls, unlike almost all games these days, is actually difficult, and it's rewarding because of it. It's tilted toward the hard core gamer that wants to be challenged in a realistic way. It also has an open world and a similar medieval-feel like Skyrim. Though liking one doesn't mean you'll like the other, it's still a very good game that everyone should at least try it; at $13, there's no reason for anyone not to.


Oblivion is a good game, but going from Skyrim -> Oblivion will shock you with how far games have come. Honestly, most people that have gone backwards from Skyrim to Oblivion that I've talked to have said things along the lines of "WHAT THE HECK? THIS IS TERRIBLE" without realizing the game is 7 years old now. Back when it released it was at least as ground-breaking as Skyrim, if not more so.

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