Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain
It's been a long time since I've bothered to document any changes/updates that have either been completed or are in the works. Mainly because no one ever reads/responds to these blogs.
Since I miss the days of 2-3 new, original blog posts a week, I figured that I may as well take the plunge and post a quick one of my own.
The Header
Remember the days when navigation consisted of bookmarking "View New Content"? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Nothing really fancy here, but you knew that already. You've been staring at it for months, after all. But if I didn't include ancient changes I would have nothing to write about here, would I?
At any rate, since the purpose of these is to generally explain why I changed what I did (because fuck change, damn it), I suppose I'll delve into that...
The Logo
Since I know the majority of you have alzheimers here's what it used to look like.

Sort of bummed the logo is now gone from the top, but I have OCD about things being symmetrical. My reasons for switching it up are actually that petty for most things.
The Category Menu
This is the black fade-in/out thing that no one actually uses. Did you notice it even changed? Probably not. Want to know what did, after months of arduous planning, engineering, and development?
I got the drop-down columns to light-up in white when you hover over a sub-element.

I also re-ordered everything so that it, you know, made some sort of logical sense. But no one cares about that.
Fa-Fa-Fa-Facebook Likes
Every day, as soon as I wake up, I jump out of bed and sprint to my laptop. I then quickly load the site to see if we've received any new Facebook likes. The number 37 once again appears before my eyes and I just think to myself, "There's always tomorrow."
This has gone on for 4 months.
Meanwhile, rival sites have been created from scratch, thrown up a Facebook page, and are now over 1k likes over the same 4 month period. It made me sad.
Following a few hours of frustrated crying I decided that I NEED MORE LIEKS and that EVERYONE should ALWAYS have to STARE INTENSELY at the facebook like counter as it scrolls with them ON EVERY PAGE AT ALL TIMES.
It's been 2 weeks now and we still have 37 likes.
Buttons, Lel
To quote Blexun, "somethingsomething Fancy somethingsomething I'm gay." At least that's what I think he said.
The main point is that the buttons are, like, beveled and stuff, man. Here's what they used to look like.

This was all fine and dandy for damn near a year, if not longer. Then, one fateful day, I accidentally copy-pasta'd the CSS for the above buttons into itself.

The resulting abomination was surprisingly appealing, and it is now....

A wild incompetent Admin appeared! God used Buttonception. It was super effective!
David vs. "Where's Lydia?"
Once upon a time someone posted the 15th thread about "omg lel I lost Lydia wut do?" After writing painfully detailed "If you did X, then you must now Y" solutions 14 times, I typed up about a paragraph in all caps tearing the person a new asshole for daring to not just search for an existing answer.
After finishing my rant, I realized that since we switched to the new skin, I had never re-added the search function.
So here we are. People are now able to search everything to their heart's content. The Lydia threads have at least slowed. Brad continues to post pictures of himself pooping dildos in the Premium forum.
This is all because some kind soul told me to re-add the search bar through a Lydia question.
Social Media
This was added because I liked the little grey-scaled icons next to the links. Yep, that's the only reason. In fact, as Jake pointed out a few weeks ago, the Youtube link goes no where. Because fuck you for clicking it.
The Footer
I was sort of annoyed with the boring black line at the bottom of every page, so out it went. I was pretty happy after another several weeks led me to the final result below; a boring black line with a boring gray line on top of it.

Did you know that hovering over our logo not only causes the thing to fucking GLOW, but clicking it will bring you to the top of the page? Of course you didn't. You really need to slow down and just smell the roses, man, it's the little things in life like this you need to appreciate.
We Have a Privacy Policy
No part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 13. NO. PART. OF. THIS. WEBSITE.
- Please disregard all textual references regarding video games.
- Please disregard all images regarding video games on this website, especially the 8 million pixel HD background image.
- Please disregard the gray-scale theme, clearly intended for the Male Under 25 demographic.
Please disregard this website. Also don't sue me and stuff, because all I have are empty pizza boxes and unused condoms filled with taco sauce.
© 2013
I will sue you, though.
The Background
It has snow-capped mountains and trees and things. Also it fades into dirt. That's sort of cool. I guess.
So? Why am I here?
I don't know, man, this is pretty pointless. It's also 4:20am (huehuehue) and I don't know why I'm still up. Here's what all of the above changes have added up to, though.
Here is the old. Click to enlarge, obviously.
Contrasted with the new that I started this blog with. You are now shocked. Just try not to seize up and die in amazement because I only have 3 readers and need all of you.
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