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Eric the Bard


I LOVE the Norwegian government. Not only do they repay some of the money I have spent this year on health care, but health care is completely free out the year. Because when you exceed a certain limit of cash spent on health care in Norway, they make everything free. And I have been quite a few times to the doctor this year and had that surgery in my toe. And now I get money back and free health care. I'm not really sure if other countries do this, but... yeah...


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I always see people from Canada posting pictures on the internet of their hospital bill and the free health care always pays all but eleven dollars of it.

Kind of off topic, but here is a confession that not a lot of people know about me. When I was like 15 or 16, I woke up because my stomach area was hurting. I thought it may be pancreatitis, because I thought my side area was hurting a bit too. After laying on the couch for a half hour, my dad decided to take me to the emergency room to get it checked. This was all at like 7 or 8 in the morning. So I went in and they did the works: X-ray, they drew blood, etc. After the doctor being gone for like 2 hours and me just sitting on a hospital bed in the emergency room in pain, they came back. They confessed that they were confused at what was wrong, but eventually figured it out. Apparently, I haven't shit in a long time and the air was backed up causing the pain. So they sent me out with the orders, "Relieve the pressure".

I shat horribly for 3 days after. They billed me a couple of hundred dollars.

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