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Game Review: Final Fantasy XIII-2

When Final Fantasy XIII was released, the fans' reactions were very mixed. The reception was generally negative, however, and I see it as the Japanese version of Dragon Age II, except, you know, FFXIII came out first. Anyway, for that reason, it is a bit confusing as to why Square Enix would make a sequel to such a hated game. Despite the general dislike, I actually enjoyed XIII and picked myself up a copy of XIII-2. Needless to say, they have been listening to complaints, and XIII-2 delievers o



Game Review: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Heh heh heh...you all knew this would come along at some point. I realise nearly everyone on this site and their brother has played this game. I just thought I would share why it is my third favorite game off all time. With its large world, decent story, and huge amount of content and freedom, you cannot miss this title. Judging by the site you are on, you probably haven't. Gameplay: Allow me to start by saying that this is what the sandbox style is all about. The world is moderately large, prob



Game Review: Dragon Age Origins

An evil army is attempting to destroy the land, and it's up to you to stop it! While your first reaction may be, "Wow, how generic," Bioware puts its own twist into this Forgotten Realms tribute. What you are left with is an epic adventure that does a great job of defining what gaming is all about. Gameplay: Dragon Age Origins mixes turn based and real time combat together. You have four members of your party, and there are two ways to play. You can control one party member and switch every once



Game Review: Ico

Shadow of the Colossus is considered a perfect example of video games being "art." SotC was made by a company called TeamIco. It was their second game. What was their first game? You have three guesses...it's Ico! While not quite as mind-blowing as SotC, this game still makes it into my top ten games of all time. Gameplay: This game blends platforming and puzzle solving. This is a giant castle, after all. You have to escort a girl named Yorda. KEEP HER WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES. There are demons tha



Game Review: Shadow of the Colossus

Are video games art? This is an argument that has been going on in the media for some time now. When the non-believers ask for an example, there is one game we all point to: Shadow of the Colossus. I owned a Gamecube during the 6th generation, so I wasn't able to experience this title the first time around. I bought the HD version last October, and I wasn't sure what to expect. To make a long story short: it's now my second favorite game of all time. Gameplay: There are only sixteen enemies in t



Game Review: inFamous

Ah yes, my first Ps3 game. This game will always have a fond place in my heart. I got it when I was very into "sandbox" games. While this game has many flaws, it also has many advantages over other open world games. I liked this game; what else needs saying? Gameplay: You are a man with electric powers in an open world setting. The combat plays out like a third-person shooter. Your "ammo" is at the top, in the form of electric orbs. As you use your powers, the orbs are drained, and can be rechar



Game Review: Dead Nation

As you may have known, the PSN was hacked mid 2011. It was down for a month or so, but when it came back up, PSN users got 2 free games as part of a "Welcome Back" package. I took the games Wipeout HD and Dead Nation. I didn't like Wipeout HD. It just wasn't my style. Dead Nation was a game I had a bit more luck with. Gameplay: This is a pretty generic top-down zombie shooter. There is a shop at every checkpoint where you can buy new guns, ammo, and equipment such as land mines and flares. You c



Game Review: Final Fantasy XIII

So, I finished platinuming Skyrim a couple months ago, and wanted a cheap RPG game I could move on to. I decided to give the FF XIII-2 demo a try, and enjoyed it, so I picked up the first game. While it is flawed and I see why people don't like it, I feel I got my $20 worth out of it. Gameplay: This is a party-based RPG, and you have different classes to choose from. Commando is damage, Ravager is building chains so Commandos can do more damage, Medics are healing, Sentinels are tanks, Synergist



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