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a blog about things that happen in my day to day life, provided its note worthy

Entries in this blog

Everything about the present seems unknown

Well I can't believe the past couple weeks or months. I haven't been active here in such a long time. Well, I made my first welcome back guide for a post 1.9 update power-leveling. Recently I got back into Magic:The Gathering and have been playing Borderlands 2 like a cocaine addict. My main Assassin has over 19 days of game time and about 1,000+ items in my bank. I hope to get around to more builds for Skyrim and even Borderlands 2. I hope somebody can beat my record for hitting 251, as I cur

Unknown ProbLem

Unknown ProbLem

A little blood never hurt

Well as some of you know, I enjoy hardstyle music, and the melbourne shuffle dance. I decided to go the extra mile and duct tape my shoes "like a cool kid". It worked amazingly, to my surprise, however today i felt i should remove it and apply a new layer. My shoes are somewhat fine, little stickier right now without the tape but you may be wondering about the title now. here's the fun part, while removing said duct tape, i was holding my scissors incorrectly (because it's all i could think to

Unknown ProbLem

Unknown ProbLem

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