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About this blog

A blog detailing all of the analysis, accidental humor, and what-not that goes into ElderSouls.com!

Entries in this blog

The Membership Boom of '13

April 20th. A magnificent day for history. 1534 – Jacques Cartier begins the voyage during which he discovers Canada and Labrador. 1792 – France declares war against the "King of Hungary and Bohemia", the beginning of French Revolutionary Wars. 1861 – American Civil War: Robert E. Lee resigns his commission in the United States Army in order to command the forces of the state of Virginia. 1918 – Manfred von Richthofen, aka The Red Baron, shoots down his 79th and 80th victims, his fina



Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain

It's been a long time since I've bothered to document any changes/updates that have either been completed or are in the works. Mainly because no one ever reads/responds to these blogs. Since I miss the days of 2-3 new, original blog posts a week, I figured that I may as well take the plunge and post a quick one of my own. The Header Remember the days when navigation consisted of bookmarking "View New Content"? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Nothing really fancy here, but you knew that already. You



The Most Popular Articles of ES - Jan '13

Since statistics are always interesting, I figured I'd post the following table highlighting the most popular articles on Elder Souls. I was going to sort them ALL by author and tally the views to create the biggest pissing-contest cluster-fuck possible. Sadly I lack any easy way to do this and am already procrastinating work, so I'll just do the top 12 (because screw top 10 lists). The following numbers are based off of the articles only, and do not take into account topic views (some of these



Ongoing Home Page Updates

It's been awhile since I've worked on the site, so after having finished up the first round of midterm exams last week I figured I could donate a decent amount of time to it this weekend. Fortunately I've gotten a few things done! Home Page Updates Most of you probably haven't noticed the new, less-cluttered look for categories and article blocks. I wasn't sure if I liked it at first, but the look grew on me after I looked at the redundancy of the old double-boxed in style we used to have.



New Home Page

Those of you who navigate to ElderSouls.com instead of having the forums bookmarked have probably noticed that we have a new home page installed at http://eldersouls.com/. I am MUCH happier with this new layout (although it is a ways from being finished), primarily because the width is fixed. Fixed width layouts allow every user to see the same design regardless of what screen size or resolution they're using; this makes designing something that looks halfway decent much better. It's also easily



Gallery and Blogs Updated

The Gallery and Blog applications have both been updated. Gallery had a rather massive overhaul and as a result there are some issues with the dark skin I'm aware of (though they're just visual and don't affect usability), so if you want to check out what it should/will look like use the Light skin. Hopefully I'll fix whatever issues there are relatively quickly. Here is a list of improvements; each bullet links to an in-depth write-up by IPB if anyone is interested. What's New for IP.Gallery In



Content Updates and Things I've Learned

Home Page I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I've recently begun turning what was previously our articles/content database into our new home page. You can see its current state by clicking here.My main goal is going to be to ultimately set that as our overall home page so that eldersouls.com redirects there instead of to the forum index as it does now. Obviously this is a ways off, and I need your help in choosing what feeds to have on the page. As of now, we have feeds for recent articles, top



New Features and Updates

New Features and UpdatesRevised Content Page Our old "Guides" page has really been showing its age for a long time, and I've been meaning to re-code it for months now. I've finally gotten around to it, and although it's no where near where I think it needs to be, I believe it's much better than it was before. To better reflect the content of the page, I've renamed it from "Guides" to "Guides & Articles" (this will probably just be shortened to "Content" when people become more familiar with



Site Stats, Content Polls, and Tiger Sharks

User Feedback PollSappy Explanation Here at ElderSouls.com we care about you, the user. This is a fan site with user generated content, after all, and we wouldn't be going very far without any of you. That's precisely why we're having a feedback poll on this blog to get some answers on ways we can improve the experience here for everyone. It's a pretty basic poll, so if you have any additional comments or suggestions you're encouraged to leave them below in the comments (or make a new thread if



Success on the Internet: Article & Guide Popularity

As the site ages and becomes more established, trends in user activity begin to become more apparent. Certain content can be highlighted as exceptional or below par based on hits and user involvement. So far, 11 of the guides submitted by our community have been published to the beta version of our main page. The software that runs our guide and article database, IP. Content, has basic stat tracking system built into it. This feature can be used to observe the number of hits the guides have gott



An Introduction to Site Metrics and Redneck Boobs

Always Have a Large Contrasting Title To Get People's AttentionIt would appear as though I am the only one updating their blog regularly. With that said, I should be finishing an 8+ page paper that's due tomorrow instead of writing this... But hell, this is more interesting. I'll also mention that I failed my last organic chemistry exam due to a lack of preparation, largely the result of my failed attempt at keeping you guys moderately entertained on this website for 5 minutes. But yeah, I'm not



A Few Site Changes

I'll just quickly detail and explain a few changes on the site I worked on this weekend... Instead of studying for the exam that's either going to make or break my life coming up on Tuesday. Ah well, that is life. General BadasseryJust couldn't think of a better catch-all term in all honesty, so I wrote the first thing that came to my head. If I'm right it's going to be almost the only thing displayed in the excerpt on the index, so I bet it'll get me a few cheap clicks. Suckers. Article Update



A Profile in Heroism: Taylor Swift's Legs

Annnd if you're reading this, it means you've mistakenly chanced your way upon the new blog I'll be occasionally updating. I've decided that I can't constantly harp at you users about getting involved with all of the site's features without following my own advice... So, here I am. With a blog! Hint: Make your own. Anyways, this blog is where I'll post various analysis, issues, and events concerning ElderSouls.com. It's not replacing the News and Announcements forum. Rather, this is a place wher



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