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Terhix last won the day on November 23 2013

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  1. Staff basic attacks and skills scale with weapon damage and max magicka. Physical weapon basic attacks and skills scale with weapon damage and max stamina. Stamina doesn't affect weapon damage, it's a stat of it's own.
  2. I never considered my loaded with addons UI ugly in WoW, but then I just customized it so that it presented the most essential information in the most efficient and esthetic form, having a complete clutter on the screen doesn't really help. It's less like doping and more like - if you want to be a good ski jumper, you need good skis, suit and have both of them really fitted to you. Exaggerations aside, I'm not exactly sure what you guys want or expect. Wishing that the game didn't have addons because that's just what you want is think fair is a perfectly viable opinion, but so is one that any AAA MMO that comes out at this day is lackluster *cough*swtor*cough*. TL;DR: the game has addons, some people will consider it a bad thing, others will consider it a good thing, neither opinion matters at this point.
  3. [citation needed]ES crowd that likes to explore a lot may as well skip this game altogether since it's zoned.
  4. There is no contradiction, they wanted to providen minimal UI that doesn't stop immersion AND allow for UI mods for people who treat their game seriously. I'm surprised that people are surprised that playing without addons will put you at disadvantage.
  5. From what I've read on reddit and other sources, it's only for mobs right now and they are considering it for pvp. My educated guess is that they only do CD on the client side to make it perform well.
  6. That's excellent news if it's true, it was an issue I had with first person myself, and I saw few videos of early gameplay where people would run past the mobs and swing at the air.
  7. Things like that are hard to test because of how the UI works, I don't believe it stacks off one target, but I've heard rumors of it stacking if you tap multiple targets, no clue how accurate that is. The bigger problem with Strife I can foresee is that it doesn't really say whether it has the smart targeting that Regeneration has, if it does not, that might require you to position yourself in danger in order to be effective.
  8. Atropos was healing with just Regeneration/Mutagen and Grand Healing/Healing Springs, so having 3 heals might be more than enough, depending how well you manage your heals. I might actually go the same route +strife, for PvE at least. Edit: I wasn't sure if I remembered it right, but now that NDA is lifted and stuff is out - Strife with Funnel heals 2 extra allies now, not one.
  9. Saw it yesterday, excellent footage. Was interesting to see how well he managed magicka during the fights, and healing with just the staff, without class heals of the templar.
  10. Some more pondering after last weekend, trying to get a bit more group oriented focus and tending to my PvE-PvP schizofrenia by going more healer/support/offtank than maintank. Breton, 7/7 Heavy, 2:1 health:magicka - but I'll most likely respec as many times as is needed to hit a nice equilibrium. Set 1: 1h+shield 1 - Puncture [-40% mres] 2 - Def Posture [2 sec stun] 3 - Teleport Strike [Lotus] or Cripple [???] 4 - Entropy [Heal on hit] 5 - Strife [Funnel] U - Death Stroke Set 2: Resto staff 1 - Immovable [???] or Siphoning Strikes [???] - really need to know morphs, Immovable because I feel like having a stamina dump on both bars is important, on the other hand Siphoning Strikes in heavy armor might be awesome in PvE as a faux healer. 2 - Regeneration [TBD] or Purge [???] 3 - Cripple [???] 4 - Force Siphon [???] 5 - Strife [Funnel] U - Consuming Darkness or Warhorn
  11. Just because you make a Nightblade, doesn't mean you have to make a stealthy uber dps ninja assassin pew pew. I'm not taking shadow cloak simply because it doesn't help me perform the role I want to perform.
  12. Strife does instant damage, then heals you over time for % of that damage per tick.
  13. 1) There are two passives in the S/B line, one increases blocked damage by 20%, another that increases blocked damage of projectiles by extra 16% and yet another reduces cost of block by 30%. You also can bash for double the damage at half the stamina cost. On top of that, there is a passive that makes you run faster while blocking with a shield by 50% (I hope it means you can run at your regular speed, like it did in Skyrim, and not a 50% of 50% -> 75% base speed). 2) The mere fact of blocking a melee heavy attack (power attack) will cause the enemy to stagger. Otherwise, you can use bash to interrupt a cast (not sure whether that makes opponent stagger at this point). 3) You can definitely block arrows. I doubt there is any difference in hitting box since this is an MMO and calculating hit zones would be quite an overkill for 100vs100 battles. 4) Spells can be blocked, yes. There may be a difference between projectile spells (those can be blocked certainly) and instant afflictions whatever those are, but that's that. 5) You can definitely block them, if they have a cast applied (Uppercut) you can bash them.
  14. I wasn't talking about classes at all Muscle, I was talking about roles (question 6). Sorry for not addressing the rest of the post, but it's super late for me, had a long day and I'm just off to bed, probably for the better too, I agree this discussion doesn't belong here .
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