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Where is Lydia??



Hi everyone I'm new here, and I got a question that's been puzzling me for ages. A while ago I accidentally killed Lydia, and never went back a save to bring her back because I didn't even consider it (I was still pretty new to the game)- and I read that Whiterun's Hall of the Dead is the only one that has named burial urns. Supposedly any character that dies will be in the catacombs of their respective hold capital- since Lydia is from Whiterun, I'd expect her remains to be in Whiterun's catacombs, but they're not. Ulfberth War-Bear also got killed a few months ago in a vampire attack, and there's an urn in the catacombs with his name on it, but none for Lydia.  :sad:

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Is it possible that Lydia is not dead? Perhaps you attacked her and she took a knee but never died. If that is the case, you can probably find her wherever you were last with her. The situation would be the same if you told her to stop following you. If you are playing on a PC, you can find her by using one of 2 console commands. To use console comands hit the ` or ~ key. Then type either player.placeatme 000A2C94 or player.moveto 000A2C94. These commands will place Lydia at you or move you to her respectively. If you are not on PC, I can only advise looking in areas she was last seen.


I hope this helps.

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