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Lars wont give me the Bullying Braith Quest.



1. Braith's Parents are still alive, for now.... But Lars refuses to give me the dialogue allowing me to go and talk to Braith about not bullying him anymore. As far as I can tell there are no prerequisites for this quest. I have however found Amren's family sword for him already, if that makes a difference? 




2. On another note, once I finish that quest, I'm gonna kill Braith's parents so I can adopt her, but the first time I tried this Braith was aware of me doing so, and so I couldn't adopt her. The last time I tried it, I successfully killed Saffir secretly (her mother) in bed, but then afterwards couldn't find Amren anywhere.... Sigh.... Any tips on the best way to pull off this "kill the parents and adopt the kid" thing? 

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1. Don't think I've ever found the sword first so that might make a difference. Normally the quest is available very soon after one sees Braith bullying Lars. The only reward is two septims so it's not really a big deal to miss it out. Only real reason to do it is because it's satisfying to subtlety threaten to orphan her before the DB actually does brutally murder her parents. As an alternative there's the sarky dialogue mod, there's an option where the DB threatens to make her an orphan in a much more explicit fashion. It's glorious!


2. Best way if you want to do it secretly is to use fury while hidden and then watch the guards hack them to death. Amren does hang around the castle sometimes if one can't find him. Pretty sure one can be seen and still adopt Braith. Murdered Braith's parents in front of her before and the adoption dialogue came up after she'd been sent to Honourhall.


Anyway hope you get it to work. Making the worst kid in the game into the DB's slave! Now that's true Skyrim justice!

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1. Don't think I've ever found the sword first so that might make a difference. Normally the quest is available very soon after one sees Braith bullying Lars. The only reward is two septims so it's not really a big deal to miss it out. Only real reason to do it is because it's satisfying to subtlety threaten to orphan her before the DB actually does brutally murder her parents. As an alternative there's the sarky dialogue mod, there's an option where the DB threatens to make her an orphan in a much more explicit fashion. It's glorious!


2. Best way if you want to do it secretly is to use fury while hidden and then watch the guards hack them to death. Amren does hang around the castle sometimes if one can't find him. Pretty sure one can be seen and still adopt Braith. Murdered Braith's parents in front of her before and the adoption dialogue came up after she'd been sent to Honourhall.


Anyway hope you get it to work. Making the worst kid in the game into the DB's slave! Now that's true Skyrim justice!


Yes, I managed to work it out, with a bit more patience. But thank you for another way of doing these things. 


As it turns out, Braith is the worst daughter ever, gives the worse gifts ever. So I've decided, if she ever asks me for an allowance, I will give her the minimal amount, while her sister gets a 1000 Gold. Take that, you mean little.... 

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Just tell her she gets nothing and then punch her. After that force her to do chores. If you don't adopt that demon child and then make her into your abused domestic slave you're doing it wrong! Adopting and treating her nicely is such a fail. Little bitch deserves to suffer. Talk shit to the DB and bully his adorable daughters at your peril, especially when it's some 10 y.o. Redguard commoner kid, with a whiny brat voice. Just a shame there's no backhand option as it would be great to send her flying. Or beat option in general, would love to come back after a long period of adventuring and then chain her up in a Grelod style room, before taking off my belt and thrashing her within an inch of her life.


Anyway this is tempting one to play again. Still never adopted her after almost 1000 hours. Want to brutally orphan her in front of her parents, and get away with it due to being a thane, after threatening to orphan then impale her outside Whiterun gate, with the sarky dialogue mod. Would soul trap her parents and pose them in obscene positions using the body replacers, before raising naked Saffir as my thrall, after that would let Braith rot in the orphanage for awhile. Would then visit, with dead mother in tow, and troll her by saying the DB will adopt only to pull out last second. Finally will adopt her then the first thing I will do upon arriving home is decapitate her zombie mother right in front of her, before giving her a wooden sword carrying her mothers soul and then watch in joy as she practices with it. Would then beat and abuse her every day. When the DB is finally bored of her would take her on a "field trip" to the local Dragon hangout, with the child follower mod. She said there's nothing she won't fight, so let's see how Braith handles a reverent dragon! Finally once shes dead would raise her as a thrall and reduce her to ashes with a bow containing Amren's soul. Now that would be the ultimate revenge and true Skyrim justice.


God, really despised that little bitch, maybe my most hated vidya character ever! How DARE she come in to the DB's house and talk to him like that. What cheek! Would also love to make a video documenting, at least, some of this process. Don't think there's anything on youtube of her in the orphanage, her Honourhall dialogue is probably the best part. The transformation from cocky little devil child to broken little girl crying about her dead parents is truly wonderful. Maybe when the special edition comes out......  

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