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Never Forget......


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  • 3 weeks later...

Gotta agree with Illini, makes me sick just thinking about you guys... 


In all seriousness though, I don't mind being the guy to admit this but I would really like to speak to some of you guys again, even just briefly, catch up and stuff. Probably didn't seem like much to you guys but being part of this group was really important for me growing up, I was a weird kid and really not very mature but you guys helped me fix that. Going back now and reading my old posts makes me cringe to no end, its awful. So yeah, sorry about those.

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Gotta agree with Illini, makes me sick just thinking about you guys... 


In all seriousness though, I don't mind being the guy to admit this but I would really like to speak to some of you guys again, even just briefly, catch up and stuff. Probably didn't seem like much to you guys but being part of this group was really important for me growing up, I was a weird kid and really not very mature but you guys helped me fix that. Going back now and reading my old posts makes me cringe to no end, its awful. So yeah, sorry about those.

You're not forgiven.

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Gotta agree with Illini, makes me sick just thinking about you guys... 


In all seriousness though, I don't mind being the guy to admit this but I would really like to speak to some of you guys again, even just briefly, catch up and stuff. Probably didn't seem like much to you guys but being part of this group was really important for me growing up, I was a weird kid and really not very mature but you guys helped me fix that. Going back now and reading my old posts makes me cringe to no end, its awful. So yeah, sorry about those.


A couple of years back I went through some of the posts I made on the first forum I joined. I'm not positive how old I was, probably 10-12... But yeah, I had to stop reading it after a few minutes because I was cringing so bad. I'm sure I thought I was some sort of clever genius at the time. It's funny how things change.


No worries, Delly, we were all there at some point. I don't think you were ever a bad poster anyway; I always got a kick out of them.

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A couple of years back I went through some of the posts I made on the first forum I joined. I'm not positive how old I was, probably 10-12... But yeah, I had to stop reading it after a few minutes because I was cringing so bad. I'm sure I thought I was some sort of clever genius at the time. It's funny how things change.


No worries, Delly, we were all there at some point. I don't think you were ever a bad poster anyway; I always got a kick out of them.


I was actually talking to Fergal the other day about some of my older posts, and yeah the further I looked, the less I could handle. Still though, managed to salvage the worst opening line in the history of ever. 


"Jesus. I've been back more than than a 6th grade girls bathroom has seen first blood... but yes the rumours are true. I am back, to bring you all from darkness into a new enlightened world. No don't be stupid, I haven't turned christian; I'm dumb but not retarded.Expect to see me about quite a bit more. I'd like to make a request to whom it may concern that I would like event team. If you need an app (I don't see why you would considering how dead we are aparinry). Happy 3rd birthday Trr v2.0 and Happy 3rd birthday to everyone who is still in the clan throughout these years (*Gives CC a look of Delightment*) "


Every time I read it I just sit in awe for about 5 minutes like - 'Yeah, I actually wrote that one time, and I was being sincere'.


How are you anyway David if you don't mind me asking? I never really managed to get a good idea of your age compared to mine and it's been so long that I don't know if you're in University/Work etc.

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I was writing out some stuff for college when I had to bring up past services, which reminded me of my writing job on this site.


Damn, isn't this a piece of nostalgia. I kept meaning to come back to this guild and post regularly, but I never got around to it.


Just...wow. So much emotion from all the memories is pouring through me right now. I'd just like to thank everyone here for contributing to this amazing community back when I was an active part of it.


My freshman year of high school was unquestionably the worst year of my life, and I'm not exaggerating in the slightest when I say I might not have made it without the support of you guys.


If any of you guys want to add me and catch up, my Steam ID is Sir SquishyMan. Hey, maybe if the major members all add each other, we can rekindle this flame and keep the guild yet alive, eh?


As for cringing at older material, I can still remember my mindset of those days. I was an extreme libertarian and red pill advocate. Jesus Christ, what was I thinking? I'll probably look back on my current views with similar disgust, but who knows?


Anyway, all the memories are coming back. I'm almost tearing up just writing this. This may sound cheesy as hell, but I just want to let you guys know, this guild meant a lot to me. So, thank you. Especially you, David. I'll never forget you guys.

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