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Dark Brotherhood - Death Incarnate Bug (Passage Barricaded)



Hi everyone,so I was doing Death Incarnate quest and I had to find Nazir in destroyed DB sanctuary and I did. So after talking to him I got assignment to find the way out of sanctuary with Nazir. Near the wall there was a hole and I jumped in it and I fell right on the door entrance to DB. So the mark was pointing I have to get out so I did but when I went out Nazir never came so after a while(waiting) I went back in but nothing happend,I cant find Nazir anywhere. So i red about the quest online and I was supposed to follow him and went trough the door to Night mothers coffin but now that passage is barricated with fire and I cant finish the quest. Nazir and Babette were supposed to find me at the coffin after the fire will extinguish. Now I cant finish quest (I tried via console reset but nothing,and then I tried completequest console and its said that is finished but I cant go on new stage of quest where I have to find Astrid). I tried reloading saves but I didnt had save before finish quest , autosave rewrote it when i entered sanctuary. Is anyone having ANY suggestions what can I possibly do to finish it or start over (maybe deleting file saves on PC (and if so , can some1 explain hoe to know till which file should I delete saves) ??? PLS help me!

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completequest is a buggy command that sometimes only marks the quest's journal entry as "complete" without actually changing anything. Even if it did work as intended, the entire quest would then be complete, so you wouldn't just be moved forward to the next stage (finding Astrid). Always use the setstage command instead.


Try the following command. It should reset the quest to the stage right before you were having issues (i.e. you will have to talk with Nazir again).

setstage DB10 35

That may not work because it sounds like completequest may have already jumbled things up. If that's the case, post back and I'll advise you on an alternative fix.

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