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camillia bug???

Guest butter


Guest butter

ok so i got an inheritance from lucan apparently he died /i never killed him/ its possible he died during a dragon attack or vampire attack or smth i dont rlly know 


but anyways camillia was my wife before this she was doing absolutely fine in my lakeview house until i noticed yesterday she wasnt in my house (i didn't rlly think anything of it i thought she'd return soon so i left to do the whole dawnguard quest) but she was seriously gone & she wasnt in the riverwood trader either 


i decided to spawn camillia into riverwood and theres no dialogue options the first thing she said to me is "looking at you makes my blood boil" and then she went into the shop. i waited a few hours and the trader was still locked so i forced myself in and now her only dialogue option is "what do you have for sale?"


i guess im not married to her anymore i want to know if im able to remarry or if i should kill her? i looked on several forums for help but ive only seem a few vague posts abt "if u kill camillia u cant remarry" or some stuff like "wait for a courier that says you can remarry"


i also tried to resurrect lucan but i dont know how to in console especially since i cant find his body i tried doing placeatme with his base&ref id but neither of those worked


on another save i killed her (didnt get the courier for her) & reset my marriage quests and attmepted to remarry (npcs would notice the amulet & make a comment ont it) but the marriage dialogue option wouldnt show up no matter how many different things i entered into console


this is really stressing me out ive downloaded several marriage/divorce mods and i dont know what to do






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First of all, disable all of the mods you've installed that are related to marriage / divorce. It's likely they're creating conflicts and other issues that may be to blame for some of your problems.


So my best guess is that your original wife Camilla isn't actually dead or gone as far as the game is concerned. Spawning a new Camilla via the console commands could result in another "copy" if you used her BaseID (0001347B) instead of the RefID (00013488). Spawned Camilla may not have any marriage dialogue options because she's no longer in the right marriage faction. Of course, this theory depends on what you mean by "spawn Camilla in Riverwood" and the specific command you used.


Anyways, a possible fix. First, open the console with Spawned Camilla in view. Click on her with your mouse to target her (her ID should appear on top of the console screen - take note of this!). Try the following commands in succession.

addtofaction 00019809 1Setrelationshiprank NPC ID 4 Player.setrelationshiprank NPC ID 4

Replace NPC ID with whatever the console gives you when you click on Camilla. Without closing the console, continue with...


This hopefully resets her dialogue. You should now be able to re-marry her.


To resurrect Lucien, try the following...

prid 00013487moveto playerenableresurrect 1

Let me know if the above works. :)

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