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conjuration and illusion leveling

Guest Daniel


Guest Daniel


If i calm an enemy from a far(doesn't notice me) and then i bound a sword near him, does it raise the level of both the skills, one of them or none?, also if i cast calm on enemy is he still consinderd an enemy?

last quastion, if an enemy doesn't notice me and then i bound a sword which causes him to notice me, does it raise the skill level?

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2 answers to this question

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If i calm an enemy from a far(doesn't notice me) and then i bound a sword near him, does it raise the level of both the skills, one of them or none?


It depends on what you do after casting bound. To get conjuration experience with bound, you have to cast the spell while in combat OR cast it before combat and then enter combat while the effect is still active. The latter route might give you less experience, I'm not sure.


  also if i cast calm on enemy is he still consinderd an enemy?


Yes. The enemy will just temporarily stop trying to attack you.


 last quastion, if an enemy doesn't notice me and then i bound a sword which causes him to notice me, does it raise the skill level?


Yes, because you will be entering combat with the effect active.


There are ways to level both skills that are far faster and more efficient. Check out our leveling guide if you're trying to level as fast as possible.

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Guest Daniel

Thanks for answering

I know about the other methods to increase the skills but i consider them a bit of an exploit, so i don't like using them.

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