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Strange Balls of Fire!



So I was spending a few hours testing new codes to spawn stuff, and got attacked a few times by surprise visits from Hag Ravens and the like, but at some point I did spawn these two small balls of fire (see pic below. code: 36342). I set a couple of them on either side of my staircase outside, and they look ok, I suppose - but I would have preferred Blue Balls! I'm a Frostball lady not a Fireball lady! I want blue balls outside my house!!!! the PROBLEM is that I don't know the name of the orange balls, so therefore I don't know what the Blue Balls might be called either, and THEREFOR I can't go ahead and look up the Blue Balls name to find out their code. See? Apparently, the orange balls look like the balls of fire a necromancer might wield in his or her hands before casting a fire spell of some variety. But what are these groovy little balls called I wonder? Can anybody really tell me? Does anybody really know the answer to this very important question???   ;)


 I've tried many different names in my console, but the answer continues to elude me....





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2 answers to this question

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It doesn't look like a fire spell to me -- certainly restoration (assuming it's a spell at all). Could be the art for any of the following...

  • Sun Fire
  • Healing
  • Fast Healing
  • Healing Hands
  • Vampires Bane
  • Stendarr's Aura
  • Heal Undead 
  • Heal Other
  • Close Wounds
  • Guardian Circle


Assuming you can reproduce getting the spell art, the ward spells will give a sort blue glow...




While turn undead and poison rune are interesting alternatives...


250px-MAGINVTurnUndead.png 250px-MAGINVParalyze.png


There is also unique art for all of the other magic schools and their spell types... The above are just restoration alone.


How / where did you find the code in the first place? That will be important for finding if anything else like this is available. It could very easily not be a spell at all since there are several environment light sources that I imagine are just like it.

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mm, loving the blue ward ball, and the turn the undead. and yeah, you might be right there, the orange ball i have doesn't look like flames.... and actually i would prefer a healing ball over a fireball any day! 


Unfortunately, the way i got the code was just spending way too much time experimenting with different number variations in my console. It was random. had i used a "help <name> 0"  command i would at least have a starting point to work from, but i don't. I did try different though similar variations of the item code (number) itself, but nothing...


But thank you, i will try experimenting with the different names you offered using the Help command. 



By the way, your comment:   While turn undead and poison rune are interesting alternatives...   Very funny!  

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