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Enchantment issues, incorrect enchantment effects



I have placed Shock and Frost damage on my weapon (bow) and when i pass by people with my weapon drawn they tell me, "be careful with that fire!" BUT I DON'T HAVE FIRE! I tried making another weapon to enchant and the same thing is happening. I don't want fire, i don't like fire, why is this happening???



UPDATE: I've been going through the different enchantment combinations, and i now know that the problem lies with the Stamina enchantment. I didn't say anything about having a five enchantment mod on one item before because i didn't think the stamina was the issue, but i now know that when i combine Frost Damage, Shock damage, Magicka Damage and Stamina together I will get a Fire enchantment. But there is no fire damage listen on the weapons enchanting list. I've used this mod before and I'm pretty damn certain it hasn't caused this problem before. Here is a photo of the enchanted weapon in question, as you can see, no fire... how do i fix this issue?   Somebody please help Dirty Duff Darby, she doesn't deserve this confusion!!!!




Meet Dirty Duff Darby....


Sure she smells, but she's cute as a button!   :smile:


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The red glow doesn't have to be from fire. In fact, I'm pretty sure absorb health has the red glow. I believe the weapon takes on the animation / color of whatever enchantment is the most expensive / costly.


In other words, you don't have a fire enchantment. The dialogue about fire is a bug caused by whatever mod you're using, and I'm not even going to try to troubleshoot that because I have no idea what the mod entails.

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The red glow doesn't have to be from fire. In fact, I'm pretty sure absorb health has the red glow. I believe the weapon takes on the animation / color of whatever enchantment is the most expensive / costly.


In other words, you don't have a fire enchantment. The dialogue about fire is a bug caused by whatever mod you're using, and I'm not even going to try to troubleshoot that because I have no idea what the mod entails.


Mmm, I knew about the health thing, 


Anyway, all the people telling me i'm playing with fire was getting annoying.... so I just decided to take all "Absorb health" and "stamina damage" enchantments off  my weapons - I'm still using the mod though (never gave me problems before) and everyone has now shut up about the friggen fire!

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No mods for creating my characters, I just spend over an hour getting them right. Mathematically there are almost countless variations. A quick tip: Choose your race, then chose your sex, then choose your presence, and then choose the eyes you want - which is the most important thing - doesn't matter if the eyes are too high or too low on the face, that can be adjusted. After you choose your eyes get rid of the hair so you can see your face better, then set every other feature to the middle setting. from there just adjust what you want adjusted. Add your hair last. keep in mind that girls usually look better/cuter with smaller chins, and guys are the opposite. 


As for naming your weapons: you can only really do that while enchanting them, unless you've got a mod like Jaxonze Namer, which never uploaded right for me so i cant use it. Anyway, when you enchant your weapons just choose your enchantment as usual, then choose the soul gem you want, but before you click your sheath button to commence enchanting, hit your jump button instead and the little flashing typing marker (cursor) will come up allowing you to name the item. After you name it, hit enter and complete the enchantment. 


Have fun Gav

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