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WEALTH! How to set yourself up with lasting riches, early in the game...


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The stone featured in the image below is nothing new to the eyes of a regular Skyrim Gamer. But what may be new to many players is obtaining all twenty four of them very early in the game....




...It may seem like a long and drawn out process, potentially deadly at early stages of the game, but I'm absolutely certain the effort is more than worth the time and risk! Because, as you may or may not know, obtaining all 24 Stones, as well as the Crown, grants you the Perk, Prowlers Profit.


Prowlers Profit is potentially the most valuable Perk in the entire game. By obtaining it, the amount of precious gems found in urns, chests and on the bodies of Draugre is multiplied by 100%. Let's face it, who doesnt like finding a good Diamond or Emerald? And, because these preciuos stones weigh next to nothing (.01) you can fill your inventory up with hundreds of the little jewels without exceeding your carry capacity, allowing you to fast travel all around Skyrim and sell them off at any general goods store. In effect, you will be able to purchase any house or property in Skyrim in no time at all! Just so long as you raid a few tombs first. (And Don't forget, after obtaining the 24 Stones you will have successfully set up a nice spread of locations on your map for any future fast travelling.)


At what point is the Dragonborn allowed to obtain all the stones of Barenziah? At any point after his/her escape from Helgen, without even receiving the "No Stone Unturned"  Quest from Vex in the Thieves Guild. However I do advise that you wait until you kill your first dragon, as you will need the Dragon Soul, plus two more Dragon Souls, in order to activate a very important shout, which i will advise you about a few paragraphs down from here.

     There are actually 3 to 4 stones that are only accessible via a Quest: The one in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, the one in the Arch Mages Quarters in the Winterhold College, the one in the Dwemer Museum in Understone Keep in Markarth, and possibly the one in Proudspire Manor in Solitude (depending on what you play with PS and Xbox or PC). The one in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary can be obtained by either joining the Dark brotherhood or choosing to wipe out the Dark Brotherhood. The one in the College of Winterhold can be obtained by following the first couple of stages to the College of Winterhold Questline. The one in the Dwemer Museum can be obtained after killing a giant spider for an old guy in the Keep. The one in the Proudsmire Manor can be obtained by pick pocketing the Fletcher key from Fihada the Fletcher in Solitude or, if you are on PC, you can unlock the Manor door using console codes. (However, if these fail, you will need to clear out Wolfskull cave for Firebeard at the Blue Palace in order to receive permission to purchase the Manor. Unfortunately, if you need to resort to buying the house because you play an updated version on Play Station or Xbox, then all I have to say is that it is worth the trouble just to get your hands on the Stone inside - In which case I suggest you do a number of jobs for the Dark Brotherhood for some quick money. And hey, like the old expression goes, you've got to spend money to make money....) 



Once you have all your stones, you will also need to become part of the Thieve's Guild and talk to Vex about your impressive find in order to complete the No Stone Unturned quest, which is when, and only when, you will need to obtain the Crown of Barenziah. And again, I should repeat, the Crown is the only Barenziah item that is not accessible until Vex requests it of you. (I've tried to get it earlier, many times, can't be done.)








Yes, like undergoing any task in Skyrim, finding all the stones so early in the game (being that you haven't had a chance to built up your health yet) may be hazardous, and so I offer a suggestion to keep you alive in the more dangerous caves and ruins. It's a shout, and my own personal favorite... Ice Form!


Learn the three words of Ice Form. This is why I mentioned the three Dragon Souls earlier. The first word of Ice form is 'fortunately' found in saarthal, which is just one step away from being able to take the Stone of Barenziah from the Arch Mages Quarters in the college of Winterhold. So it works out well, which is why I now suggest that the stone in the Arch Mages Quarters is one of the first you obtain.

The other two words of Ice Form are found on Mount Anthor and inside Frostmere Crypt, both shown in the maps below.... SW of Dawnstar, SW of Winterhold:







Now, if you are wondering why Ice form is so important to your safety early in the game, it's because it has the ability to incapacitate several enemies at once, especially the enemies you know you have little to no chance of defeating. These enemies may take up to a minute or so to thaw out, depending on how powerful they are, allowing you plenty of time to do one of four thing:


                                 1. fight the enemies that weren't frozen.

                                 2. lick your wounds and heal yourself with magic or potions.

                                 3. Kick them while they're down!

                                 4. Run your ass out of there as fast as you can!


Below you can see that the Ice Form shout can freeze a bear or even a Giant if need be... Some people even enjoy freezing their housecarl:









And so, in conclusion, once you have found the Crown of Barenziah, return to Vex and receive your Prowlers Profit, and whole the world of Skyrim as your oyster....



Oh, by the way, below is a list of locations for the Stones of Barenziah:


1. Dragonsreach, Whiterun

2. Hall of the Dead, Whiterun

3. Jorrvaskr's Quartes, Whiterun

4. Blue Palace, Solitude

5. Proudspire Manor, Solitude

6. Mistveil Keep, Riften

7. Palace of the Kings, Windhelm

8. House Of Clan Shattershield, Windhelm

9. Treasury House, Markarth

10. Understone Keep at the Dwemer Museum, Markarth

11. College of Winterhold, Arch Mages Quarters

12. Dead Crone rock

13. Black Briar Lodge

14. Ansilvund

15. Stony Creek Cave

16. Rannveig's Fast

17. Fellglow keep

18. The Dainty Sload (a ship docked near Solitude)

19. Sunderstone Gorge

20. Yngvild

21. Hobs Fall Cave

22. Reeking Cave ( you do not have to do the Diplomatic Immunity quest to find the cave, although it will not show up on your map)

23. Pinewatch Sanctuary

24. Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary


And, last but not least, the Crown you will be able to find at Tolvald's Cave. 



This has been another installment brought to you by the Wonderful Bottons The Great!





Yet to come in the series of installments by Buttons The Great:


                                                                                   # How to furnish your home with Console Codes

                                                                                   # Playing Skyrim, General Tips and Suggestions

                                                                                   # A "This Is" Catalog of Skyrim Items and NPC'S

                                                                                   # How to be a real asshole Dragonborn that even your kids will hate

                                                                                   # How not to have a life outside of Skyrim




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