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How to get "Boots Of Muffling", and other random spawning items.


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Even though my Sneak level is at a high 100, I thought it would be nice to creep up on people even by walking normally. Therefore I recently decided that one of the enchantments on all my boots from now on must be the Wearer Is Muffle And Moves Quietly. My only problem was finding boots Of Muffling that i could actually destroy to learn the enchantment (muffled boots from organisations like The Dark Brotherhood cannot be disenchanted.) 


So, after hearing a rumor, I put the "Kill The Shopkeeper and Reload" theory to the test, and for the most part it worked!


This self-appointed Quest began in the Solitude at Radiant Raiment (because they have the highest quantity of enchanted wears). There, I spoke to the very rude lady that runs the place, saved the game, then asked her what she had for sale. Not finding the item I wanted in her selection, I killed her. I then reloaded and repeated the process, each time getting a new list of items to choose from (with the exception of a few items that seemed to remain constant). In any case, after a good thirty minuted of repeatedly killing the rude bitch and then reloading the game, she still wouldn't offer Boots of Muffling, so I left Radiant Raiment and ventured a few meters up the street to Bits and Pieces...




...At Bits and Pieces I proceeded to undergo the same strategy with the lovely shopkeeper there whom, I might add, had a strange fixation with a recent beheading that took place in the town. Unfortunately, after putting her out of her misery twenty odd times, I figured she too was a lost cause.... 




...and so I left her there and traveled South to Whiterun. In Whiterun I commenced my repetitive killing of a sleazy man in the General Goods store, although I couldn't allow my time with him to last any longer than five minutes...




....which was when I strolled on down to the Blacksmiths Forge at Warmaidens near the entrance of town and once again proceeded to kill Adrianne, the lady-smith, multiple times, before giving up and actually taking her advice: "Don't forget to check inside if you need anything...."  




And so, with my patient wearing thin, I went inside Warmiadens and spoke to the large fellow there named "Ulf-Berth War-Bear" who, to my very special delight, had a brand new pair of "Dwarven Boots Of Muffling" just waiting for me!!! I was very excited and he was only charging an incredibly low 400-500 gold coin!!!!  .......And, wouldn't you know it, I didn't even have to kill him....


Thank you, Kind sir....                                                                         



During my 50-60 minute experiment, I did manage to find one other piece of attire that had been eluding me thus far in the game; A Necklace Of Disease Resistance, that i actually managed to squeeze out of the Bitch at Radiant Raiment just before walking out her door.


Please Note, in case I haven't made it clear already, this procedure is long and tiresome, and hasn't actually got a 100% chance of success. But thank you for your time.  


This Installment has been brought to you by Buttons The Great....

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The chance of finding boots with a muffling enchantment is extremely low. It's a minor miracle that you were able to find it in an hour. I don't know if I've ever managed that enchantment.


Is this with a high level character, or a new one?


Bonus wiki excerpt. 



The probability of finding a disenchantable item with the Muffle effect is extremely low. Because it is a "fixed" effect that does not scale with your level, the probability of finding one is further reduced as you advance in level. This is due to the fact that items with "more valuable" enchantments are given increasingly dominant odds. As a result, if you haven't obtained a Muffle item by level 70, you will probably be unable to obtain one because the probability is so small that it is close to zero. Furthermore, there are no guaranteed locations for disenchantable items of Muffle in the original version of the game. It can only be found via merchants or random loot.

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The chance of finding boots with a muffling enchantment is extremely low. It's a minor miracle that you were able to find it in an hour. I don't know if I've ever managed that enchantment.


Is this with a high level character, or a new one?


Bonus wiki excerpt. 


Level 50.  (medium range)


I love the Enchantment. I was actually wanting to go to bed at the time but decided to try to find a pair before crashing, so I persisted vigorously and went to bed late. I'm glad i did, it was worth a lost hour of shuteye.


Oh, and thank you for the statistics, next time I will search for them sooner.

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