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Um, started playing Tomb raider... Help!


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ok so i started playing tomb raider and it doesn't seem to have a first person viewing option, and I cant seem to get through the very first stage because i have no weapons and some guy with a pickax keeps killing me as i crouch through a hole. I would fight him with my fist if i knew how, but nothing seems to work. how do i fight without weapons? how do i get away from the freak. I'm trippn out here!

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I've never even played any of the Tomb Raider games, so I don't think I'll be of much help.


Yeah, I figured out how to kick... they could have made that easier. And I'm pretty sure that the first person view is out of the question, which is a disappointment. I'm so use to playing first person view in Skyrim, i find it hard to do it any other way. I played for a couple of hours last night and found a major glitch that just about prevented me from going any further. In the end i had to shut down the game and restart it to fix the issue. However, the graphics are good but everything in the actual game-play seems to be a little disconnected somehow... and they've set up the controls so that the functions aren't constant - generally the jump button is used to jump and the grab button for grab, but the variations of each control differs with any given situation, meaning that the game needs to constantly tell you what to press and when. It feels like I'm being guided by the hand through every stage. And if i did turn the prompts off I'd spend most of my playtime trying to figure out how to perform the simplest maneuver. So that stinks a little. I prefer a control set up like Skyrim where you know what you have to do in any circumstance and each function is true to its own meaning. I used to play the original Tomb Raiders on PlayStation years ago when i was a youngster. The graphics were a little archaic but the controls were more precise and easier to use. I would like to be able to search a room, look through boxes and chests to see for myself if they are empty or not, without annoying highlights popping up to show me where to search. Like... really? That's also kinda crappy, where is the mystery and joy of the hunt in that? In the old one you could press on a wall to see if it moved, or open a box to see for yourself if it had anything in it. At least that's how i remember it. So yeah, I like the old Tomb Raiders better. Plus Lara Croft was much tougher back then; she fought properly, none of this biting and kneeing in the balls bullshit. She needs to learn how to be a real woman again.


Anyway, that's enough rambling on for me. And I might get use to it if i play it enough, and I suppose it isn't that bad a game. I enjoyed it on the most part.


By the way, seeing I'm on the topic of other games, and after reading what i wrote here, are there any other STEAM PC games you might be able to recommend me??

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