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spouse troubles



I got married and my spouse will not move to my Falkreath home. They will go to my Whiterun home, but will not go to Lakeview manor no matter what i try! I've married this person before with other characters but never had this problem. when i ask them to move to Lakeview they continue to sleep where they were before i married them.


What could be the problem? 


Furthermore, I have more than two fully furnished homes in Skyrim. I have a house in the following cities: Markarth, Riften, Whiterun, Falkreath, and a cabin that doesnt matter. But the only options I'm given for moving in with my spouse is Whiterun and Falkreath. Something aint right....


Also, my adopted kid moves wherever i ask her to go, as long as there is a bedroom or her to sleep in. What's the problem with my friggen partner? They talk to me like they are married to me, they give me money from the shop like we are married, they do everything except move into my Falkreath manor!


Please answer me..... 

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Do you have a marriage or related mod enabled? Try disabling all mods, and then go through the moving dialogue again and see if it works.

I have no marriage mods, the closest thing i have to anything like that is the "Sophia The fully Voiced Follower" mod, who you cant marry anyway, and all the other mods i have are the same as they were the last time i married this person, and they weren't a problem before. The only mod i had on after my recent computer difficulties was "Clucky the Fully Voiced Chicken Follower", who i had forgotten about until she actually turned up at my wedding.... which was really strange. Only i Skyrim will you witness a Hen turn up at your wedding. Anyway, I disabled Clucky and tried the marriage again, but it still didn't work. I will have a look though the mods again and see if any others may be responsible.

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Do you have a marriage or related mod enabled? Try disabling all mods, and then go through the moving dialogue again and see if it works.



Dave, you were right again. As you know a couple of weeks ago i was having some computer troubles so i set windows back to default factory settings. But about a month or two earlier i had uploaded a "Marriage" mod, but had never actually activated it, so i forgot that i even had it there - so then when i reset my computer the Data Files in Skyrim activated the mod automatically! So I deactivated it now, went through the whole marriage thing again and, at long last, my spouse has moved into my Lakeview manor home! It's all good! 


Thank you - thank you - thank you! Sweetie! If only you lived in Australia, I'd find out where you are exactly, jump in my little Mini, then drive down and fu... I mean... well... ROCK YOUR WORLD! 



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