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Chrome - Failure to Launch


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My situation is going from bad to worse. yesterday I uninstalled a program called High Radar from my computer, because I thought that it was responsible for giving me all those pop-up advertisements. I was wrong, by uninstalling it I severed my ability to support the internet. This morning I figured out how to restore the program, so now I have the internet back again, but now there is another problem: 


1. Windows now refuses to save my passwords, so I have to sign in every time I go into any personal email site or a forum site like this one.


2. I can no longer access this and other sites through my windows shortcuts/icons any more. when I double click on a window icon, such as the window for this site, it fails to launch.... Google Chrome icon also fails to launch, as well as Umgur and many other shortcuts I have on windows, all failing to launch. I still have google chrome, but now I have been forced to access every site through internet explorer.


I spent the rest of the day (8 hours) on the phone with Microsoft and they haven't been able to solve the problem.... I had their so called best technician on it the whole time and nothing... 


IS ANYONE familiar with this problem/problems? I need your help desperately....


(By the way, Steam has never had an issue, it has been working fine through it all. it's the only thing that keeps chugging on without a hitch)

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Ok, but the thing is, when the pop up adds began it was still remembering my password, it was only after i accidentally uninstalled that high radar thing then restored it again that it started to not recall my password and, of course, had failures to launch.


how do i get into the area of the computer that give the option: tell me before/when to remember a password? I cant find it. I'm on windows 8.1. its a pain in the ass. I actually don't know what the fuck I'm doing... I'm scared I'm gona make it worse

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Chrome is what remembers your passwords, not Windows. 


Go into Add/Remove/Uninstall Programs, and then sort by the "Installed On" tab to list programs by their date added. Remove anything that was added around the time the pop-ups started.


I just went into all my installed programs, not one of them refer to the date the 15th, which was when the trouble started... and the only programs listed for the 16th are Google Chrome (because i re-installed it yesterday, and Hitman pro (which Microsoft installed for me to get rid of the pop-ups while on the phone with me yesterday) they purged my computer! like the Borg! assimilation! They took it over like the damn Borg and cleansed the system of shit. Or so they said. ps, i don't think i get the pop up adds any more. 


I still cant find my password options....?


WHY DOES IT FAIL TO LAUNCH??? the two issues are probably connected... maybe when i restored the high radar program it didn't reset the connections properly or something. what do you think?


Sorry for loading all this on you, i don't know who else to tell. I'm sick with concern....

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What do you mean it fails to launch? Do you get an error or warning message?


Uninstall Chrome completely and then re-install it again. If that makes you nervous, download and install Firefox. The first time you run it you should have the option to import passwords/bookmarks from Chrome. It's a simple way to back them up. If the re-installation doesn't work you can also just use Firefox.


All of the password settings are part of Chrome itself. If it's not even launching, you obviously won't be able to utilize the saved passwords or access the settings.

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What do you mean it fails to launch? Do you get an error or warning message?


Uninstall Chrome completely and then re-install it again. If that makes you nervous, download and install Firefox. The first time you run it you should have the option to import passwords/bookmarks from Chrome. It's a simple way to back them up. If the re-installation doesn't work you can also just use Firefox.


All of the password settings are part of Chrome itself. If it's not even launching, you obviously won't be able to utilize the saved passwords or access the settings.

aha.... when i say it fails to launch i mean i click on the chrome window (to google stuff) and nothing comes up. nothing happens, the little circle goes around for a second then stops, nothing else. and if i click on the window for this site, nothing happens either. it just.... fails to launch.... 

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Hi, I'm back. I just spent the last few days in hell. My computer problems only got worse, then I was severed from any internat connection  whatsoever when I tried to restore my windows to a previous date. So bad. Anyway, I could see how my problems were just going to last forever, leaving me with no other option but to reset my computer/windows to factory settings. So I spent all last night resetting my computer and I just got back on the net, so HELLO! 


Also, I saved all my Skyrim progress onto an external hard drive but haven't yet installed the game again because I don't know what the best procedure would be for setting it all up.


1. Do I install the game before the saves? and, once the game has been re-installed, where do I copy and past the saved files? Documents? if so, where in  documents would I paste them? I obviously want to start playing again where I left off. 


2. Can you recommend the best antivirus for my computer, and could you possibly please send the link so I don't get contaminated again? I'm not taking any more chances.... please don't say Norton. Is the free AVG ok?

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1. Do I install the game before the saves? and, once the game has been re-installed, where do I copy and past the saved files? Documents? if so, where in  documents would I paste them? I obviously want to start playing again where I left off. 


2. Can you recommend the best antivirus for my computer, and could you possibly please send the link so I don't get contaminated again? I'm not taking any more chances.... please don't say Norton. Is the free AVG ok?


1. Install the game first, then copy and paste the save files into \Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves.

2. Just use Windows Defender. It comes with windows 8 by default already running.

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