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Some smart-ass moved my cart!!! Help please



Ok, so a few days ago i spent a good ten minutes  pushing a cart from just outside of Falkreath all the way up the road to my Lakeside shack (i know, i expected it to take longer too). I even had to fight off a bear and a couple of bandits to get the job done. Today, however, i went to inspect the new improvements to my shack -  only to find that some smart-ass had pushed it all the way back to where i found it! So I had to go and lug the damn thing all the way back up the hill again... See images below


Does anyone know how to make the cart stay at my Lakeside shack? Or does anyone know a two wheeled cart code to save me the trouble?  


Carts original position:



Carts new home:



My Lakeside Shack:




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2 answers to this question

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I think I've ID'd the culprit.




Look at him, trying to simultaneously hide and take a leak on that poor tree...


But yeah, the cart will just keep resetting its location. You'll need to duplicate it with console codes.


Try these...

  • 00103445 
  • 00090048

The first may be a bit more than you bargained for. The second, well, I'm not sure what it is.


I really enjoy the images I get to see alongside these questions now. Helps ID the object, and also allows some insight into the world of Buttons. 

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I think I've ID'd the culprit.




Look at him, trying to simultaneously hide and take a leak on that poor tree...


But yeah, the cart will just keep resetting its location. You'll need to duplicate it with console codes.


Try these...

  • 00103445 
  • 00090048

The first may be a bit more than you bargained for. The second, well, I'm not sure what it is.


I really enjoy the images I get to see alongside these questions now. Helps ID the object, and also allows some insight into the world of Buttons. 


LOL! Thanks for pointing him out, i didn't even notice!


Well, this lady, "The Bitch" found your first code (103445) somewhat disappointing. She wont be going very far in this:


On a more positive note, The Bitches daughter and horse were very entertained by her misfortune:



Moving on... The Bitch however already had the second code (90048). She nevertheless wanted to share another pic to show off her great butt. Very nice:



Sadly Buttons is still in need of a two-wheeled cart code, which most of my 7 Dragonborn characters would be happy to know:


In any case, this is The Bitch, the hottest gal in all of Tamriel:



Here are a few more images of the front yard to The Bitches family home:




By the way Dave, I'm glad you like the pics. It's a shame i don't know how to video my game, i could give you all a tour of my houses.... In the meantime, here is proof that Norn Women shave: 


...sorry, I was going to add this to my images in the gallery album, but it wouldn't let me?

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