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Spider Follower



Hey Guys,


I have two spider followers, as in, they follow me around, only they can't follow commands like other followers. No dialogue options. Is there any way to make them "Wait Here" or "Go Home" and do the other things followers can do? See my spider follower pics bellow. The one with pink is called the Oil Spider, and the Grey/yellow one is called the Pack Spider:





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Is this a mod or something you did yourself with the console?


No Mod, just console coded them. Now they follow me around, they even fast travel with me, so I'm thinking i could give them dialogue, What do you reckon?


Here are the codes i used to get them: 302749a Oil Spider

                                                              30274a0 Pack Spider


I also got Lis. the spider from the Dark brotherhood, but she doesn't follow me, so i made her a house pet:  a19fe

Here is another Pack spider which doesn't follow me either, which i made another house pet: 3027482


So is there any way to make my two followers interactive??

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