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cant scroll up and down using "pg up/pg down" in console



While in console I can scroll my own commands up and down using the up/down arrow keys, but I still cant scroll the results, which is actually more important. All the web sites tell me to use my pg up/pg down, so I should be able to do it that way.... but I cant. Why? This is very frustrating and starting to shit me....


May actually need some help with this one

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I checked again and couldn't reproduce this. However, it occurred to me that you may be using the incorrect page up/down keys on your keyboard. 




Skyrim typically uses the keys that I outlined in yellow. The keys on the number pad (outlined in red) will not work without some additional fiddling around on your part. This distinction may be important depending on the type / layout of your keyboard (e.g. some keyboards don't have a number pad, and thus only have one set of up/down keys).


Do you have a second keyboard that you could test with? You could also experiment with the on-screen keyboard that Windows has.

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I've checked the control settings, cant find the PG up PG down anywhere.... This is a list of what I have on keyboard, (although I always use Xbox controller on pc):


1. Forward: X

2. Back: Z

3. Stafe left: (the key above cap lock with the opposing arrows)

4. Stave right: (the downward pointing arrow near the right-hand ctrl. Not to be confused with the pg up/pg down, which are located further to the right with the other set of numbers) 

5. Left hand: M1

6. Right hand: M2

7. Activate: Space

8. Sheath: NP+

9. Ch Menu: Entre

10. Pov: Backspace

11. Jump: C

12. Sprint: S

13. Shout: D

14: Sneak: Alt

15. Run: Shift

16. Toggle run: caps

17. Auto: E

18. Fae: Q

19. Quicksave: F1

20. Quickload: F9

21. wait: T

22. Journal: J

23. system Tab: esc


As you can see I couldn't find pg up pg down anywhere, unless it is connected to one of these other keys?

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Did this just start happening? If so, one of the mods you installed could have mapped the buttons to something. If not, you should still check your control / keyboard map under the settings and see if page up/down is set to do something else.


Alright David, as much as I would like to give you a holiday from my pestilence, there are unfortunately a couple of more issue we need to figure out. I think we should begin with this, the unable to scroll in console situation. Now i realize, once again, that I'm not doing anything wrong, so to speak, because i know what my pg up/pg down keys are, plus I've redesigned many houses using console, so I know a few things about it. So... we should start thinking about other odd reasons why it might not be working (like the server thing for posting pics, for example). Keep in mind that i can navigate through my own commands with my arrow up and down key (not the pg up and down), but i am unable to scroll through the results of those commands.


Any ideas?


Yes, of course, before you ask, I have definitely and purposely searched for things in console that would have a large result list, just to make sure that scrolling is actually applicable. Didn't help. It is so frustrating to know that the answer i want is hiding above the boarder of the console page, just out of reach so many times.... Recently i have started typing in help <keyword> 4 instead of help <keyword> 0, because typing in the 4 tends to result in fewer options.... but that doesn't always help either. 


Oh, by the way, I've tried the mouse wheel as well as every friggen key on the keyboard! Please refer to the list in the post above if you need to know how my keys are set up. Also, i use xbox controller while playing the game, in case that matters.  


And no, it didn't just start happening, it has always been that way, for as long as I've used console.

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Did this just start happening? If so, one of the mods you installed could have mapped the buttons to something. If not, you should still check your control / keyboard map under the settings and see if page up/down is set to do something else.


What do you think this is, Christmas or something?


Are you ignoring me, pissed at me for some unknown reason, or do you just not have any answers for poor buttons? Buttons is sad. Nobody else talks to Buttons. Does anybody like Buttons? Is Buttons annoying? Button's remembers more people on this site when Buttons first became a member. Are they all avoiding Buttons?


Does Buttons need to see a shrink ...maybe? Maybe Buttons should find a friend and get a life.


Poor Buttons.....

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I checked again and couldn't reproduce this. However, it occurred to me that you may be using the incorrect page up/down keys on your keyboard. 




Skyrim typically uses the keys that I outlined in yellow. The keys on the number pad (outlined in red) will not work without some additional fiddling around on your part. This distinction may be important depending on the type / layout of your keyboard (e.g. some keyboards don't have a number pad, and thus only have one set of up/down keys).


Do you have a second keyboard that you could test with? You could also experiment with the on-screen keyboard that Windows has.



Well, ok then... That worked!!!! Thank you David for your time on this matter. :yes: My bad. Again.


In fact I really can't figure out HOW i didn't notice the second set of scroll up and down keys... How's that even possible?? Does anybody know how i could have missed that? It's a good thing I'm cute because my brain sure don't work too good. like... seriously?


Maybe I should get laid, after all its only been eight years. Time to clean the cobwebs....

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Well, ok then... That worked!!!! Thank you David for your time on this matter. :yes: My bad. Again.

In fact I really can't figure out HOW i didn't notice the second set of scroll up and down keys... How's that even possible?? Does anybody know how i could have missed that? It's a good thing I'm cute because my brain sure don't work too good. like... seriously?

Maybe I should get laid, after all its only been eight years. Time to clean the cobwebs....

See, here it is, i marked it as solved and gave you like this....

I checked again and couldn't reproduce this. However, it occurred to me that you may be using the incorrect page up/down keys on your keyboard.


Skyrim typically uses the keys that I outlined in yellow. The keys on the number pad (outlined in red) will not work without some additional fiddling around on your part. This distinction may be important depending on the type / layout of your keyboard (e.g. some keyboards don't have a number pad, and thus only have one set of up/down keys).

Do you have a second keyboard that you could test with? You could also experiment with the on-screen keyboard that Windows has.

See, scrolling solved, as i marked it! But still no trophy codes. Didn't you like my "liked this" ? :sad:

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