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furniture and junk respawning issues



Alright, so I've got my Lakeview Manor Hearthfire home, and every now and then I do some more changes to the interior outlay of the place, but it would appear that most of the furniture and items that I markfordelete come back a few weeks later. Which is highly annoying!

So I went on a few websites and found that you can delete a cluster of furniture permanently by deleting the master object from the cluster, and by doing so all the slave object from the same cluster disappear as well, forever. For example: if I furnish part of the house with a small table (the master object), a bunch of other items like a broom and bucket (slave items) spawn with it, and so of course by deleting the table the broom and bucket get deleted along with it. Unfortunately, that doesn't work for me because I want to keep the table and banish the bucket and broom from the main entrance room. And, like I said, deleting the broom and bucket is only a temporary deletion, they will return a few weeks later! Furthermore, I have also tried the Disable code to remove items, but the command does not work on all items, it works mainly on furniture and characters, but not so much on junk items like brooms and buckets.  


One of the other areas in the house I'm having this problem with is the Main Hall, where I want to get rid of the stew pot, barrel and bucket, but I want to keep the fireplace! That way I can use the main hall as only a dining/lounge room, seeing that I already have a kitchen with all the stew pots and ovens in the adjoining room, right? But, as I have mentioned, getting rid of the stew pot and barrel without removing the fireplace is only a temporary solution.... I was just so tormented yesterday when I arrived home with  my new rug-rat and found that there was another stew pot in my living area! I was going to blame it on the Bard, but after looking into his eyes I realised he didn't have the mental capacity to pull it off...  


Furthermore, I don't go with mods unless I know full well I can trust them, as I don't know enough about computers or software to fix a possible problem that a mod might cause in my system.  


    So what do I do guys...? 

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Mmm... I would have, but I cant find the code to the small table in the entrance of the Hearthfiire home, and I cant find the code for the Main Halls fireplace either.... There's a lot of stuff I cant find codes for, and if I could I wouldn't bother furnishing the homes using the provided work benches at all, I'd jut do the whole thing by console command.

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Do the console command...

help <object name> 0

It will list all of the console commands with descriptions, hopefully including related object IDs. For example...

help "fire place" 0

Show IDs of items that include "fire place" in the name. Quotation marks are required for items with more than one word. You can also try things like fireplace and what-not.


You can also open the console and click a target object to get more information about it.

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Dave, thanks for the info about the HELP Command on console. Been putting it into good use. Encountered a problem though; sometimes when I do a Help Command a shitload of different codes will come up, and I'm sure there would be more if I could scroll up and down, but I cant seem to scroll while in console. I've tried page up and page down, I've tried the arrows up and down as well, but nothing seems to work. How do I scroll in console?

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