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DLC ideas for a possible mod

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Ooo-ooo-ooo-I know-I know-I know! Here's an idea! (I'm a giant novice when it comes to computers and programing, so I'm not even sure what is already out there in the ways of Skyrim Mods.) Anyway, I saw a Mod for Diamond armour on the web but it didn't look very good, kinda ugly actually. So I thought you could do something that includes diamond armour, but you could make the armour/weapons a really cool translucent aqua/turquois colour.


Also, you could make an entire massive Quest Line that takes the Dragonborn on a hunt for a mysterious underwater city made of diamond-like dome/building structures. The only way to get to the city is to hitch a ride on a dragon across the ocean... (maybe you could place the city somewhere off the south coast of Elsweyr... or better yet across the Altheil Ocean beyond the sumerset Isles and past Tharas towards Pyandonea? if that makes sense...).  Once inside the city the Dragonborn needs to get access to the cities mine, a mine which reaches deep-peed-deep down into the ground, near lava and stuff, but a mine which of course specialises in the biggest and best Diamonds EVER!  Hey, you could even have a special black diamond for special items like a Diamond pickaxe or special magical crown/circlet. And so, Once the Dragfonborn has dug up some very special giant Diamonds, they can make their diamond weapons and armour... kinda like the stalhrym idea, only better! Naturally, once the quest is complete, the dragonborn could use regular flawless Skyrim diamonds too, except the dragonborn would need a lot more of those to do the same job.


Don't forget to make it possible to purchase a home in this underwater city, because I want my place to be overlooking a beautiful reef, right?  


Ok, so, I've got some other ideas but I need to think them through a bit more...  Very exciting!!!


ps. I hope this idea helps you  :sweat:  I wish I had programming skills, would create my own game!!!

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    A new variety of giant monsters seem like a good idea too. Something that seems almost undefeatable.... You ever heard of the legendary "Leviathan"? It has been commonly confused with the dragon amongst theological circles. The Leviathan is mentioned in the biblical book of "Job", and its description very closely matches the more scientific Jurassic fossils of a dinosaur known as the "Spinosaurus". the Spinosaurus is the largest carnivore to ever walk the earth. Discovered fossils of these creatures have curious cavities in the skull region, which some scientists believe were canals to produce chemicals for breathing fire like a dragon. The uncanny similarities between the two have also lead some scientists and theologians to believe that the biblical "Leviathan" and the scientific "Spinosaurus" are actually the same creature.... This is not fictional knowledge.  Besides, other people have used the Velocirapture in the "Elsweyr Mod" that I've seen on the web, so there Is nothing stopping you from using another Dinosaur. (I suppose on an in-game level, killing one of these Spinosaurus beasts and extracting its combustive chemical could prove handy in creating a new flame-like weapon.)  Personally, I would call it a different name than Spinosaurus.


Just a thought you could play around with...

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Ok, so I've been doing some more research in regards to the more in-game ideas... and as far as I can tell you don't need to limit yourself to lands that have already been  mentioned. You could always make up your own island or mainland.


Otherwise, I think the more mysterious the better. Mythical lands would be the coolest thing. The already known places that sound most curious to me would be Akavir to the East of Tamriel, and even more mysterious land is a place called Aldmeris, which is apparently a fabled land anyway? Pyandonea sounds very interesting too.... Don't know if I've spelt these places right though.

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