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Not sure if this is a problem



I'm up to level 48 with me current character, on pc, and I admit I've done a lot console coding in areas of the game I couldn't be bothered advancing in the long way, like alchemy, and the other one is giving my followers added health.... Now usually I would obtain Frost (the Horse) much earlier in the game, say level 20, but this time around I bought the black Whiterun horse who has been with me the entire time, and that black Whiterun horse even went mysteriously missing at one stage. I thought he had died. So I went and bought another black horse from the Whiterun stables, which was identical in every way to the first horse. The problem however occurred when that horse mysteriously went missing as well, so I went back to Whiterun stables and found him there waiting for me. I knew it was him because he was called Buttons's Horse, and he fast travelled with me wherever I went - but get this; every time I dismounted him, he would walk away and head back home to Whiterun. Of course this made me wonder... could I have two horses out there? but if I did have two horses then why is the one that keeps walking away also the only one that keeps fast travels with me even when I'm not riding him???? Right???

     Let me know if I lose you on this. 

     So, I decided to go on a little horse hunting mission. To begin I dismounting my discontent walker, and before he got a chance to walk very far I started fast travelling all over Skyrim until finally I landed at the Riften stables where, sure enough, I had two of the same horse staring expectantly at me.... To find out which was the one I had been looking for I mounted and dismounted both of them, the right one was the one that didn't walk away, naturally. So I kept that horse from that point, because who wouldn't keep a horse that refused to walk away even when you buy and ride another horse?


    But now here is where it gets even more interesting: As I started to tell you earlier,  I recently acquired Frost, but before I did I took my loyal Whiterun horse to the Riften Stabes, because it didn't seem right to leave him standing out there at the lodge. BUT soon after acquiring Frost I returned to the Riften stables and found my very loyal Whiterun horse still standing there... waiting and staring at me with his big, sad doting eyes.... He refuses to walk home!


Could someone please tell me, now that I have Frost, why won't my disturbingly loyal Whiterun horse walk back to Whiterun where I first bought him? AND, if he wont walk back to Whiterun because there is already an identical duplicate of himself at the stables there, then how did I manage to get two of them?  It just doesn't add up... Am I making any sense?


So yeah, I'm just wondering because it seems very odd..... Not really a problem in the true sense of the word though.

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Wow, that's a lot of writing.


You can own more than one horse. All owned horses will stay at the place you last dismounted (others will immediately walk back). If you leave them somewhere for an extended period of time they'll presumably reset back to their normal stable.


Despite being able to own multiple horses, only one will ever fast travel with you (the one you most recently rode).

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So.... be patient for a moment... are you saying that owning two of the identical horse isn't out of the ordinary, even if the one that fast travels with me is the one that walks away while the other non-fast-travelling one stays? By the way he's still standing there at the Riften stables, while yet another of the exact same stands at Whiterun. They are the same friggen horse, right? I paid for the second because the first was presumed dead... I was wrong, and now they both exist... how is it possible that they both exist at the same time?  It's like... the chicken and the egg. I get what your saying, but what's the bet my game program has malfunctioned and that horse at Riften Stables will stand there indefinitely because he isn't meant to have an identical duplicate at Whiterun? What's the bet?

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So.... be patient for a moment... are you saying that owning two of the identical horse isn't out of the ordinary, even if the one that fast travels with me is the one that walks away while the other non-fast-travelling one stays? By the way he's still standing there at the Riften stables, while yet another of the exact same stands at Whiterun. They are the same friggen horse, right? I paid for the second because the first was presumed dead... I was wrong, and now they both exist... how is it possible that they both exist at the same time?  It's like... the chicken and the egg. I get what your saying, but what's the bet my game program has malfunctioned and that horse at Riften Stables will stand there indefinitely because he isn't meant to have an identical duplicate at Whiterun? What's the bet?


If it walks away, you don't own it.


Mount the horse that doesn't walk away, and then it should fast travel with you from then on. If both fast travel with you, that's unusual. If you created the second horse via console codes, just kill it (or let something else do it).

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