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Offensive T-shirt Ideas


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College. It's for a three-day, three-night off-campus Christian retreat. I need to tick off some self-righteous simpletons for the way they treated us last year. I came up with two ideas last night, but I'll probably need one more to have three shirts for each day...


Help out a woefully oppressed soul?

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Ok woeful soul, please share; what did these simpletons do to you last year, and what two ideas do you already have?


While I am waiting for your response, I am going to share with you a joke which you can tell all them college Christians:


So, in the near future scientist are able to genetically engineer the perfect person: the best mathematician, the best soldier, the best artist, etc.

And so the scientist sit down for a philosophical discussion with each other one day, and while talking they decide amongst themselves that they don't really need God anymore.

Now, God hears what the scientists are saying and decides to go down and pay them a visit, and asks them; "Excuse me, but did I hear you right, did you say you don't need me any more?"

The scientists laugh, and reply, "Yes, you did hear us correctly; as you can see we can make a man just like you can, in fact we can make any type of man we like, and so who needs you?"

God chuckles, "Really, and would you like to put your money where your mouth is?"

The scientists ask, "Well, what did you have in mind, God?"

"Ok, how about we both make a man," God suggests, "you make yours, I'll make mine, and then we can see whose man turns out best...."

The scientist are feeling cocky, so they ask God, "And how do you suppose we might perform this task, any specific means in mind?"

"Your choice!" God replies with a smile.

So the scientist discuss the matter for a while and returning to God, they prepose, "We will do it the old fashioned way; we will both make a man out of a handful of dirt."

God Agrees with the terms and goes off to make his man while the scientist go off to makes theirs, but when the scientist go outside to pick up a handful of dirt, God returns to them quickly, and tells them; "HEY! You put that back and make your own damn dirt!!!!!"

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One of those hipster atheist-slogan t-shirts is clearly the way to go. There's tons of them everywhere too.


Nah, not my style.


I have my good old red anarchy A shirt. Also, I was thinking of printing the image of an African child, crumpled on the ground and resigned to his fate with the caption "God is Dead" underneath.


I might use this as the third if nothing better comes up:




Though maybe not. But it'd be funny if they overreact to Talos.

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Oops, my mistake. But now I see, so you want an idea for a t-shirt that says we live somewhere else, on some other planet, that if there is a God then we must expect that such an all powerful entity would do everything for us and we shouldn't be expected to do anything for ourselves like, say, I don't know... feed the hungry? Find relief for those in pain? For if there was a God then certainly that God would know we couldn't possibly have the means to do those things for ourselves now, could we? After all, everybody knows the earth has no regenerative resources, at least not enough to feed everyone, right? Besides, why would we want to better ourselves and our civilization when we can sit around and think up offensive ideas for t-shirts? That's much more productive, don't you think? Or, better yet, let's play a computer game instead - but wait, first we should close the curtains so the light from the outside world doesn't inhibit the view of our screen...



Not judging, just saying, might want to give it a bit more thought.....

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It's ok Francis, I'm not actually that easy to offend, but I'm just so tempted by a good debate and I guess I should have explained better....


    I wasn't upset but rather making a point in order to protect you from any possible backlashes from people (admin) who might think in a similar way to what I portrayed in my writ-up, understand? Administration or not, you have to take precautions when playing with fire. Wars have been started over less, literally. There are some very smart people in the world, religious and otherwise, who are just waiting for the chance to stick it to you if they can.... And, by the way, the African crumped on the ground thing would be a little too distasteful for someone like that. Believe me, I do have a great deal of experience in this matter. Think outside the box... Be very, very smart about it.


Wish you well, my friend, and love life...? :wink:

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