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Lydia is dead but no courier!

Guest Btcarrel


Guest Btcarrel

Lydia who I married and was also following me into the sightless pit died. I saw her dead body on the ground dead as can be. I leave and go to whiterun no courier........ I even wait 3 days and no courier. I've continued to play countless hours and there is still no courier. I've gone back through the sightless pit 3 times with no sign of her body. I've checked 2 dozen different places and she is no where to be found and I can't attempt to marry another!! HELP!!!!!

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Couriers can be pretty temperamental. Sometimes they show up right away, sometimes they take ages, sometimes never at all. Either way, you don't really get anything valuable/interesting, so I wouldn't really worry about it.


Lydia's body should appear in the Hall of the Dead in Whiterun.


Unfortunately you are never able to re-marry in Skyrim, even if you spouse dies. If you have the PC version, you can get around this with console commands.

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Yeah, couriers a little funny like that. when I first started playing the game I use to mug them, but in the end it wasn't really worth it. now, sometimes after delivering me a message from a friend (which is all they're really good for), he will go over and start using my grindstone or some other work piece around my home. Very funny. I suggest you carry on with the game, he will catch up to you sooner or later.

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