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How to Dismiss Hearthfire Stewards



I'm playing on pc. I've made Lydia Stewart of my Heljarchen Hall Home, and now I want Gregor to be Steward so that I can send Lydia back to Whiterun. I took her back to Whiterun and told her to part ways, so she said she would go home, but then walked all the friggen way back to Hjarchen! there is no dialog to help me and I have made her immortal so I cant kill her then resurrect her either! And their aint nothing I can see on wiki to help either. As for mods, I don't know how to install them safely. I'm a noob! really I am, and I don't want to compromise the games software with my lack of knowledge!




Please help!

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Console commands to dismiss the steward of Lakeview Manor in Falkreath Hold:

  1. SetConsoleScopeQuest BYOHHouseBuilding
  2. EmptyRefAlias House1Steward
  3. SetPapyrusQuestVar BYOHHouseFalkreath bHaveSteward False

Console commands to dismiss the steward of Windstad Manor in Hjaalmarch:

  1. SetConsoleScopeQuest BYOHHouseBuilding
  2. EmptyRefAlias House2Steward
  3. SetPapyrusQuestVar BYOHHouseHjaalmarch bHaveSteward False

Console commands to dismiss the steward of Heljarchen Hall in the Pale:

  1. SetConsoleScopeQuest BYOHHouseBuilding
  2. EmptyRefAlias House3Steward
  3. SetPapyrusQuestVar BYOHHousePale bHaveSteward False
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Guest Aaryx

Ok, did this successfully to release Lydia from Lakeview and Winstad, both where I unwisely had her as Steward- but when bringing another supposedly eligible NPC (Uthgerd) to Winstad, she does not offer to become Steward.  Is there a "reset Steward option" sort of command I need to set to allow another follower to offer to become Steward?  Maybe like "SetPapyrusQuestVar BYOHHouseHjaalmarch bHaveSteward True"  or something?  Or alternately, a way to assign another NPC to be Steward directly?

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Guest Aaryx

Oops- I do beg your collective pardon for a post to an old thread- I only looked at the date of the last post and didn't notice the rest was some years ago- at any rate, after messing around some and re-issuing the "dismiss steward" command lines, I did finally get the dialog option to ask Uthgerd to be my Steward at Winstad.  Now to pick one for Lakeview, and then take my newly liberated Lydia off on a belated honeymoon-

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