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Amulate of Talos is shitting me. please help!



I have four amulate of talos's. The game says that it is a quest item, even though I have been on no quests concerning this item, AND EVEN THOUGH I HAVE FOUR OF THE F#%KING THINGS, and it will not let me use them for anything. I want to build a shrine of Talos in my cellar in my Lakeview home but I cant because the game wont let any of the f#%king things go. I've checked wiki and it is telling me crap. Can someone tell me how to get around this so that I can finish this house. the shrine is the only thing holding me back. I'm kinda pissed off.


Please help. thank you.

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The quest the amulet(s) are used in is Return to Grace, so double check the quest's status since that will influence how you can solve the issue.


You can also use the following console command, assuming you have 4 amulets.

player.drop 000CC846 4

Note that this will drop the actual essential quest item separately from the ones that are not needed, i.e. there will probably be two stacks of dropped amulets -- one of 1 and one of 3. I would keep the independent one (if this happens) so you're not screwed if you ever need it for the quest.

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Ok, so, I took your advice and hunted down the quest, which ended up starting with one of the little kids running around Solitude. Up until now I've just ignored there please to play hide and seek. So I completed the quest but I had left it too long and the Amulet wasn't taken from my inventory by the woman who was meant to take it, even thought the quest was completed, but the good thing is that once the quest was done I could get rid of the stupid things anyway. Stored two away. used one for the shrine, and kept the fourth hanging around my neck.


Thanks again Dave. cheers to your patience :thumbsup:

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