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Very F#%ig annoyed! last king of ayleids. help please.



I am playing Elder scroll V on pc and am stuck on a miscellaneous quest called "Find the copy of the last king of Ayleids!". I have researched Wiki and it has given me 10 possible locations to search, unless I have read it wrong? Unfortunately I have already cleared most of those location and REFUSE TO GO THROUGH THEM ALL AGAIN IN ORDER TO FIND A STUPID MISCELANEUOS BOOK!!!!!!!


I have also marked the quest and searched the map but there is no marker on the map.

I have gone to that Org book guy at the Winterhold College and he doesn't have one for sale. Which makes sense seeing that he was the one who asked me to find the friggen book in the first place!!!

I have also used console codes to add the item, then used console to drop it then pick it up again, and that didn't work either!!


This is a problem because I have challenged myself to complete all my miscellaneous quests to date, and this is the last one on the list. This book is pissing me off!  


I'm at level 39. Does anyone know where I can find The Last stupid F#%ing King Of Ayleids???????????????? 






thank you for your attention.....

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Hey now, I moved the other day and have been without internet since. No need to develop schizophrenia in my absence. :P


Now you may remember, my young padawan, seeing the following console command format often on these forums.

SetStage <quest id> <stage value>

This is my go-to for bugged or annoying quests. For your specific fetch-quest, try inputting the following...

SetStage MGR20 20

I bet that will solve all of your problems! Well, at least the quest one. ;)

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Buttons, you're very annoying!


Look here you weirdo; try shutting down the game for a minute, maybe go and have a strong drink, or maybe go and write about the problem on the Questions and Help Elder Souls Web site, then go back to the game where you might find that shutting down and restarting the game has given it the prompt it needed to provide you a marker on your map.  


Then, once you're done completing your final Miscellaneous quest you can go back on the Elder Souls question and help line and tell all those nice people out there how much of a goofy, short tempered twit you are!



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Anyway, turning the game off and on did actually help in bringing up a marker on my map. But I will write that set stage thingy down for future ref. Thank you. I did know about it but I like to try everything else to solve the problem first.


Buttons hopes you have a nice new home to live in... and so does Buttons :teehee:

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Guest wyrdgirl

after many issues an problems with the explanations,   have solved this one


<player.item 0001AD09 1>  to add a copy of the book to your inventary




<setstage mgr20b 20>  to enable you to hand it in


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