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How to Increase Follower's Health



This is the second time iv made a post on this topic because the first time didn't quite cut the mustard. Thanks for the effort anyway David, I thought your way should have worked as well.


So I'm trying to increase the health of Vigilance to 500. Frost too if possible, but Frost runs away from a lot of fights so he is less of a concern. But Vig runs head on into any damn danger. I realise that on pc it is easy enough to get my followers back if they die, but I also realise that if they were harder to kill I could play without worrying about how they're doing all the time, and it would also save me a lot of F#%ing around....


For Vig I have already tried typing: 0009a7ab.setav health 500, but as far as I can tell it didn't work. I tried a few variations of that as well, and I even used my wabbajack, which resulted in eventually killing the pooch. So I kinda went the other way on that one...


Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong, or even some other code to increase Vigilance's health?


Wouldn't hold it against you if you told me how to increase Frosts health a well, yes?


And while your at it, any ideas about Lydia?


Also, can you tell me how to check on the status of my followers health? I think it should be the same as mine, but I need them to have more than me....


From your very persistent and possibly annoying friend, Buttons....





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Guest Dalilah

I dont play on PC but I did some searching online and this is what I came across. So maybe try these.

Vigilance- setavhealth500

Frost-(This should make him unkillable) setessential97E1E1

Nothing for Lydia Im afraid. But I will keep looking.

Hope I helped, sorry if it may not work, like I said I dont play PC

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Dalilah, always good to hear from you. Thanks for going out of your way for me, that was very cool. You're Very Cool.


I took your advice and after putting in the codes you mentioned it didn't work, but it did get me digging deeper into the internet discussions, maybe the same ones you found. Apparently, to make a follower indestructible, the correct way of putting in the command is to use the followers (chaeractors) Base Id, not their RefID, and instead of typing in the 1 at the end of the Id you've got to leave a space. So these are, supposedly, the proper way of doing it for all three of my followers:


Vigilance: setessential 9a7aa 1

Frost: setessential 97e1e 1

Lydia: setessential a2c8e 1


Still, I did do it like this, but I am uncertain if it actually worked because even though the computer didn't tell me that I failed, it didn't tell me if I succeeded either.... "setessential 9a7aa 1" just rolled up the screen with no comment at all. Therefore I am guessing that it is much like marking an item of furniture for delete. When you delete the item nothing happens until you walk out of the building and let the game reset with the new information, after which you can walk back into the building and find the item has vanished. However, in this case I haven't asked Vigilance or Frost to disappear and so there is still no way of telling if the command worked.... Unless I try beating the shit of my dog to see if he will die, which I'm not going to do. I know they're just computer programs, but still...


So, I now need to know how to check the health status of my followers without having to beat them up, any ideas?

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<setessential> <BaseID> <1> DID NOT work. Vigilance fell down a waterfall from the Wizards Balcony in Markarth when I was attempting to assess my vantage points in the assassination of some grim shield maiden, and after the fall his health was half way down. if he was invincible that shouldn't happen, right? Lydia ended up even worse, she never again emerged from the water... mustn't be the best swimmer.


What am I doing wrong?

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You need to have some basis of comparison so that you know if these commands are working or not. Take Lydia and the dog and fight an enemy and monitor their health while they take damage. Reload, input the codes, and then test again. Even if the codes you've been trying work, they won't be completely invincible. Depending on the code you tried they'll either just have +500 health or in the case of being essential they'll just "faint" instead of die.

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mmm. sounds like a plan. I do know that the +500 codes didn't work because I accidently killed Vig soon after when a skeleton I was attempting to kill stepped out of my path and left Vig to take the blow. oops. But I should have tried again I guess. I will keep trying these various commands and let you guys know how it goes....


Thanks Dave :smile:

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