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Oh, sh&@#, I've got Ataxia! And i thouht i was turning into a vamp



I thought I was turning into a vampire.... but does anyone know how to get rid of Ataxia instead? Damn, I knew I shouldn't have gone into that seedy looking joint down in Markarth. They did warm me, but I didn't listen.


I'VE TRIED DISEASE CURE POTIONS, ALL THE HEALING SPELLS I KNOW AND I EVEN ACTIVATE EVERY SHRINE I COME ACROSS TO HEAL ME, but apparently I'm still sick because people still tell me; "Don't take this the wrong way but you don't look too good." even the Jarl of Morthal said; "Hope what you have isn't contagious..." Well, I can assure her, it is!


Help please....

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There's a reason nothing is working. I don't know how to tell you this, but... Unfortunately, ataxia is a permanent condition that will slowly turn your character into a vegetable. You either have to reload a save from before you were infected or create a new character.




Just kidding. You can cure it the following ways.

  • Consume a potion of Cure Disease.
  • Visit a Temple of the Divines and pray at the altar.
  • Eat garlic bread.

But as you said, you've done those things already. If your active effects menu is indeed clear of ataxia, but you still have people bothering you about looking ill... Well, that's a known bug.

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I thought that my problem was solved, it's not. Yes, the talos healing thing did cure my ataxia, but just a day or less later it was back again. I thought at first it was just that bug which causes people to say you look sick even after you are cured, but when I looked into my "Active Affects" I saw that my ataxia was back again. so I cured it again and once again it was gone from my active affects, and then a day or so later it was back, yet again....


First I thought I was turning into a vampire, then I thought I couldn't get rid of my Ataxia, and now I know why; it is because my ataxia keeps returning like a dog to its vomit.


Is this normal or what?


Is it because I steal the alms people leave at the shrines? You can get some pretty good loot that way.

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Cursed or not Mr. Goldblade, I just got my hands on the Hevnoraak Mask, so there aint no disease or poison that can touch me any more. I guess you could say I can plunder all the tithes I want off those weird-ass gods and there aint no dang curse that can touch this biatch!!!!

First of all you are disrespecting the 9 by stealing the offerings people leave there. I bet they cursed you



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