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A little troubled about the Vamp thing....



David, after reading Skyrimkitten's question about her vampire situation yesterday I started to wonder about my own character.... I don't eat very often, and when I do its usually a sweet roll or apple pie. Not the point. I don't sleep much either. The point however is that earlier yesterday I was on some quest in the catacombs beneath Solitude when my vision went a pinkish colour and the computer told me I was getting weak when the sun rises. I also have a lot of people telling me I don't look so good. Does this mean I am a vamp?

     Nevertheless, these symptoms occurred earlier in the game when I was at a much lower level, and I believe I took a Cure Disease Potion to fix the issue. But I'm not sure if drinking the "cure disease potion" is working for me this time. After reading Kitten's question last night I went home and ate a proper meal as well, just in case.  


I DON'T WANT TO BE A VAMPIRE, I don't even like vampire movies (except for "Let Me In"), but I think I have come too far and done too much work to go back and prevent it from happening. If I am a Vamp, is there a console code to stop me from being a Vampire? or some other way to reverse the process?

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The point however is that earlier yesterday I was on some quest in the catacombs beneath Solitude when my vision went a pinkish colour and the computer told me I was getting weak when the sun rises. I also have a lot of people telling me I don't look so good. Does this mean I am a vamp?


This means you're infected with Sanguinare Vampiris, which is the precursor to becoming a vampire. From the time you're initially infected, you have exactly 3 in-game days to consume a Cure Disease potion to cure yourself just like any other sickness.


After the three days have passed, you will become a stage 1 vampire. This is where you have to begin "feeding" to stay at the lower stages. Note that "feeding" means killing / drinking the blood of an NPC -- eating food and sweet-rolls won't solve it! To cure yourself at this stage, you must complete a short quest by talking to Falion in Morthal.


There's additional information in the Vampirism guide. Good luck!


PS - I'll split your console code requests into a separate topic so others can easily search for it. :)

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Update: I just went to see Falion in Morthal, he gave me no quest and neither of us made any indication that I may be infected with a vampire virus. but some lady soon after did mention, though apologetically, that I didn't look too well.


I took a cure disease potion the other day too, so how could it be another disease?


What's going on???

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If you want to be sure, you can look at your "Active Effects" list. This will list if you're infected with vampirism or anything else.


To get to the list, open the start menu and navigate to "Magic". From there, scroll near the bottom and you'll see "Active Effects". It should look something like this.



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Yeah, so Dave, I went into my restorations and found some healing powers for myself and to use on Lydia as well, but I couldn't find where my diseases may be mentioned.... how do I get to that list from my healing power list?


I did heal myself for about five minutes but I'm not sure yet if it actually made a difference.

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