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Voice change... second puberty?



Ok, so, the other situation I have is that my voice is changing.... My character is a girl, quite a cute one too I might add, and when I started the game she sounded very girly. You know, when she ran out of breath or got hurt it sounded very much like a lady. Now, however, her voice has changed, still a girl, I think, only different now. If I had to say I guess she sounds more rusty than she did before, but definitely different.


Now don't get me wrong, I'm more curious than anything because I think her voice at the moment has a little bit more grit and character than it did before. It's possible that I like it more but I'm just not sure.


Is a voice change normal for the game or have I been messing with my console controls too much? The change seemed to take place around the same time I turned  the mannequins in my Windhelm home from male to female.... might be a coincidence.

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Well, your right, I don't plan on reinstalling the game. That would be like cutting down an apple tree to get the apple on the top branch.


The last time I used my characters unrelenting force shout she definitely sounded girly.... she may be back to normal now. Passing phase? I'm gonna leave this topic open because I don't think its over... and I'm thinking someone out there might read it and know exactly what's going on.


I did change the sex of my mannequins in my Windhelm home around the same time the change in her voice took place... possible there was some variety of hiccup in the system when I did that.... I did after all experiment a few times before I got the sex change to work on those darn mannequins. Could be my bad, but I still cant recall properly what I might have done.


I would be interested to find out what I did actually do though.... if anyone knows....

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Unless your game is modded beyond the point of recognition, reinstallation would only take about 30 minutes at the most, usually. Then just reinstall the mods one by one until something fucks up. Your save data wouldn't be affected by a reinstallation, or it shouldn't at least.


I can understand though why you wouldn't want to try this.

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Yes, Dave, the SexChange fixed the issue, thank you.


And thank you for your effort too Tristan, and to answer your question; I try to get away with as little work as possible, mostly.  :sleep: In any case, what I didn't realise is that even though my head was female, I had inadvertently changed my body to a mans.... I was a cross sex for a while. You can imagine my surprise when I went to enchant some clothing in my underwear and found myself standing there with a manly, hairy chest! I would have notices earlier had I not been wearing that bulky Dwarvn armour.

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