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Buying the Windhlm house. What the f@#%



I recently completed the BLOOD ON ICE quest and went on to overthrow Whiterun, but I cant seem to find anyone who wants to sell me the Windhelm house. I only took those quests because I wanted to buy the stupid house, so could someone tell me who I'm meant to be talking to or what other quest I might have to finish?


So anyway, quick update, I figured out the console commands to get the house. soon after that the dude gave me the house anyway, even though it made no difference to anything....  Nevertheless, it is a nice house. Fully furnished, except the spare bedroom is empty. Anyone know how I might furnish that?

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Guest Dalilah

I had the same problem where the spare bedroom was empty. What I found out was that it was actually the stewards room, but you dont have a steward yet. All you have to do is go and talk to ulfric stormcloak and he will say there is room in his court for a new thane and then you will have to assist 5 people of windhelm. To make it easier for you, giving a coin to the begger helps as 1. After doing all that then go back to ulfric and he will name you thane and a housecarl will fill that room with furnishings:)

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Dalilah, thanks for that,


Yes, I was thinking along those lines as well, but I just wasn't sure I should do that while my old housecarl from Whiterun is still following me around. if she is following me around the game may not allow me a second housecarl. Do you think I should get rid of Lidia before I get the new house carl or wont it make a difference? Can you have 2? In fact I was even thinking he has already passed the point of offering me a housecarl when he offered me the house but I already had one.... When I got breeze home Lidias room came with it automatically furnished....


The thing is, Lidia is a bit of an idiot, blocking hallways when I'm trying to walk around, always in my way. at least my dog Vigilance knows to get out of my way. Good dog! Who's a good boy then... You are!    Love my dog.



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Guest Dalilah

You can still get the housecarl for Hjerim even when you have Lydia following you. Each house has there own specific housecarl assigned to the house and since it doesnt matter how many houses you own you can have just as many housecarls. As soon as you dismiss your current housecarl they will go back to the house that they are assigned to. All you have to do is dismiss Lydia, There will be an option to dismiss her when you talk to her. She will go back to Breezehome and then you can ask the housecarl from hjerim to follow you around (calder is his name I think?) You cant have 2 people following you around at once. The reason why lydia was already there when you purchased Breezehome was because you became thane and recieved Lydia before you purchased the house, therefore she was already waiting for you. Its different for the house in Windhelm because unlike in Whiterun, you get the house before you become thane. Therefore when you enter the house for the first time there will be no housecarl, so that means that you have to speak to the jarl in order to become Thane. Then Calder will be waiting for you. Sorry if this is confusing.

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No, not confusing, I was just thinking how well written you are. concise. usually people on these sites have difficulty getting to the point, or maybe they don't know as much as they might believe :-)  (sorry everyone else) lol.  I'm glad I can have Lydia follow me when I get Calder as a house Carl... gives me options. Don't get me wrong, I was joking more than anything when I was giving Lydia a hard time, when it comes down to it I'm not so sure I could let her go after all we've been through together. And speaking of Lydia; I always thought if I clicked on the "I think we should part ways" option I would never see her again, but since you tell me she will simply go home then maybe I will now and then. Funny, the last time I asked her to "Wait here" (in the Breezehome) I arrived home a few days later and she was sitting in my room, not hers, with an ale in her hand and a glazed look in her eye. felt sorry for her. Not to mention that my old dog Meeko (whom I had also asked to Wait with Lydia) had given up on me and walked back to his old dead masters home. But that's ok, Viggie is a better dog.  


Actually I just learnt how to own any house using Console control (without even clicking on the jarl fellow to "set the stage"), but I'm not sure if I should as the last time I used console control to get back the gold I spent on the Windhelm home I felt bad somehow. I also think it might stuff the process of the game up in some way. Nevertheless, I don't have a problem using the console to furnish my homes better. feels only right that I can decorate my home the way I would like. just finished putting a smelter and forge out the side of Hjerim. very cool.

        I have a few more questions for you if you don't mind, but If I babble on too much just tell me:  

                                                                                                How do you feel about console control stuff?

                                                                                                How do you propose I get a spouse and a child without Heartheart?

                                                                                                Can I choose what the child looks like? (Prefer not to have a little lizard kid running around)

                                                                                      Also:  What level are you at?

                                                                                                Do you play a guy or a girl?

                                                                                                What's your characters name and race? 

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Guest Dalilah

No its fine, I can answer your questions. But anyways, I am actually on Xbox so I cant use console commands. But If I could then It would really help repair some of the glitches that happen every so often in my game.

And from what I remember, you can still get a spouse in skyrim without hearthfire, you just cannot adopt kids, which is pretty stupid if you ask me. But anyways, all you have to do in order to get a spouse is go to the temple of Mara in Riften, and ask the priest there about marriage (Maramol is his name I think) Then you need to get an amulet of mara. If you dont have one already then he can sell you one. After you have done that then you have to wear the amulet of mara. There is a bunch of suitable wifes/husbands for you to choose from in skyrim. (For a list of possible wifes/husbands check it out on different websites, they will tell you) and in order to be able to marry them you must do them a favor. Then you will have the option to ask them if they are interested in you and if you say yes back, then they will tell you to go to the temple of Mara to set up the wedding ceremony.

If you were to get Hearthfire, unfortunatly you wont be able to customize the look of your children. They are all nords and generally look the same. Other then the hair color.

Right now I am at level 57, I play a girl whos name is Dalilah and she is a Breton.

Anyways, I hope that I helped:)

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You're a good help, thank you.


And by the way I helped those five people today and got myself a house carl for my Windhelm home. I was hoping for someone better looking, but he will do as a carl. What's with the side burns?

Anyhow, Lydia is staying with me for the time being.

...Calder seems to sit around and drink a lot, he should probably see a therapist.


Talk soon :-)

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