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Item stats change after pick up.

Guest Jon


So I'm a level 25 and am just doing the mage college quests. I'm looking for the staff of magnus and twice I find an item once an axe that days it has 145 damage but then I pick it up it only does 75 and then an armor that says 108 armor then pick it up and it only has 88

Whata going on?

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That does sound a little odd. the only real time the value of something has changed for me is when I destroy an enchanted item to learn its enchantment. The item I destroy may be a weapon that causes 20 points of fire damage, but when I use the enchantment on another weapon the fire damage has been reduced to the mid teens... this is because I haven't gone into skills menu and improved myself in the right areas, I think. It is possible you need to go to your skills menu and better yourself in a certain area.... but I cant say for sure.

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It's possible but my two handed is pretty high and so is my heavy armor. It's weird it's done it more than once. I wonder if those items are supposed to be for a higher level character so they dumb down to my level.

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Maybe, but I went through the magnus staff thing in my mid to late twenty levels and that didn't happen to me, not that I noticed.... the Winterhold school thing is one of the earlier expeditions you are quested for, although most people put it off till later because it contains the word "school". lol. I've decided to go on a treasure map hunt because I don't care for swimming in the ice cold water in search of some variety of Serpant Island place.... doesn't sound too fun to me.

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